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Created for: The Sims 4
Old SimsDonald has a farm and on that farm he has a cow that goes Moo Moo here and a Moo Moo there. A pig that goes oink oink here and a oink oink there. A duck with ducklings that goes Quak Quak here and Quak Quak there. A horse that goes Neigh Neigh here and Neigh Neigh there. And the last finale cock-a-doodle-doo goes the Rooster. A fun place to live with your furry friends and harvest produces to make fizzy juice for your sims. Also at the cozy fire your sims can knit all they want. Can you find how many eggs the hen laid at the farm?
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1501019
ItemID: 1501019
Filesize: 476 KB
No CC. Make sure you type: bb.moveobjects on before placing the lot. Chicken Coop is just an object. It is not functional.
objects used from bb.showhiddenobjects and bb.showliveeditobjects. Also used from bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement.
Best place to put this lot is at Widenburg at Dresden House.
Expansion packs installed:
- Eco Lifestyle
- Discover University
- Island Living
- Get Famous
- Seasons
- Cats & Dogs
- City Living
- Get Together
- Get to Work
Game Pack:
- Realm of Magic
- StrangerVille
- Jungle Adventure
- Parenthood
- Vampires
- Dine Out
- Outdoor Retreat
- Spa Day
Stuff Pack:
- Laundry Day
- Backyard
- Romantic Garden
- Spooky
- Luxury Party
- Cool Kitchen
- Kids Room
- Moschino
- Movie Hangout
- My First Pet
- Nifty Knitting
- Perfect Patio
- Tiny Living
- Vintage Glamour
- Holiday Celebration
Answer to number of eggs:
- 20 eggs total
Your reward for finding all the eggs is an decorative egg at the "oink oink" section.
- Value: 170788
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 1
- Stories: 5
- Lot Size: Other
- Custom content: No CC used
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