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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
An Egyptian-inspired abode for your Sims, echoing the grandeur of ancient Egypt. This dwelling is adorned with intricate hieroglyphic motifs, luxurious decor, and offers a taste of the mystique and opulence.
House built in Oasis Springs
Name lot - Yuma Heights
I hope you like it ;)
PLEASE read the notes!!!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1674675
ItemID: 1674675
Filesize: 286 KB
If you have any problem with installation or anything related to my publication - write a private message - I will help you!
Make sure your game is fully updated.
testingcheats on
Shift + [
Shift + ]
!! Use cheats before placing this build !!
CC's used!
To install this house into your game:
- download CC
- put CC in the Mods folder
- download the lot
- unzip files
- copy all files and paste them into your Tray catalog ([...]My Documents-Electronic Arts-The Sims 4-Tray]
- the house should be in the game gallery. Be sure to select the "Include custom content" option.
Please do not re-upload or claim as your own.
Enjoy it! :)
Credits: Thank you so much all Creators!
- Value: 157834
- Recoloring Allowed: No
- Furnished: Fully
- Stories: 3
- Lot Size: 4030
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Simythology Epoisis Council chamber rugs
- Simythology Epoisis Council chamber scribe table
- Simythology Epoisis Council chamber treasure
- Simythology Epoisis Council chamber wall deco
- Simythology Aephora deco trunk
- Simythology Aephora scultpure1
- Simythology Aephora scultpure2
- Simythology Aephora table lamp
- Simythology Minos Classical Walls 2
- Philo_Simythology_Minos Window SW
- Philo_Simythology Minos Large Arch
- Philo_Simythology Minos Large Arch v2
- Philo_Simythology Minos Small Arch v2
- Philo_Simythology_Minos Bed
- Philo_Simythology_Minos Lounger
- Philo_Simythology_ MInos Small Amphora
- Simythology Minos Floors
- Simythology Minos Foundations
- Simythology Minos Platforms
- Simythology Minos Pool Trims
- Philo_Simythology_Minos Bin