dorienski's Blog
Easter surprises!
Hi guys!
I've been busy working on several lots and as it is almost Easter I will upload some extra houses. During Easter weekend there will be houses available on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Hope you'll enjoy.
Happy Simming!
Dorienski x
Holiday Madness
Hi guys
As I am so happy to be a member of this community I want to give something back to you. And what better way is there then giving some presents with the holidays. So my gift to you is a new house every day from Christmass till New Year's day.
Following houses will be published between Christmas and New Year:
- Lorelai Gilmore's house (unfurnished)
- Sookie's house (unfurnished and furnished)
- Dean's house (unfurnished and furnished)
- Bree Van De Kamp's house (unfurnished)
- HGTV Dream Home 2008
- HGTV Dream Home 2013
I hope you like them! I wish you a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and that you will have everything your heart desires.
Happy simming
Dorienski :wub:
TV-show lots
Hi guys!
It's been a long time since I've updated my blog here. Well I've been kind of busy since I've been working on some TV-show houses.
So far I've rebuild Carrie Bradshaw's apartment from Sex And The City, Lorelai Gilmore and Sookie's house from Gilmore Girls. The Carrie apartment and Sookie's house will be available in furnished and in unfurnished versions. Unfortunately my Lorelai house will only be available in unfurnished version because the furnished version is way too big and I can't seem to cut it down, otherwise I will loose too much authentic items which really make the house. You can check my facebook profile for photos of my work in process.
If you have any request for famous house, please let me know and send me some pictures :-)
Happy simming
Dorienski x
Hi guys
I've had a request to build some starter houses, and it got me thinking and I immediately got some ideas. Here are the lots I'm working on, I hope you like them.
New lots
Hi guys
I've just uploaded some more lots, they will be available for download soon. Hope you will like them! :wub:
Dorienski x
100 000 downloads!
Wow guys, 100 000 downloads, it's going so fast! Thanks to all my downloaders, you truly make this a great adventure for me!
Pets fix!
Hi guys
I totally re-installed my game and all CC, and guess what: I got rid of those terrible pets errors! So now I will be uploading some furnished versions of lots I already uploaded, and then there will be loads of new stuff! I am really thrilled it finally worked, because there is nothing more frustrating than spending hours on decorating and then not being able to upload it! argh!
My surgery went well also, so now I will be on bedrest for yet another 6 weeks, but furtonately I have my computer close to me so I can keep on decorating!
Hope you will enjoy my furnished lots! :wub:
Dorienski x
just a moment
Hi guys
I'm on a break for a few days... First of all, I am truly sad of the tragic bus accident in Switzerland that happened to children and adults of my country... I still cannot believe it. I hope all victims and their family and friends make it through this terribly sad period in their lives, my thought go out to all of them!
Secondly, I'm having surgery on Tuesday and I will be on bedrest for 7 weeks... But I will be able to play some Sims 3 from my bed.
And last of all I'm totally re-installing my game and all CC to get rid of those terrible pet bugs which keep me from uploading certain furnished lots.
I still have lots for upload untill the end of April, so you can still download new lots. I will be back in a few days, maybe a few weeks. So if I don't immediately respond to your comments on my lots or pictures or entries in my guestbook, I am sorry.
Thanks for understanding.