dorienski's Blog
I am a select artist!
Wow guys, I just became a select artist and I am sooooooo very thrilled about this! But it's all thanks to you, you are downloading my lots and I owe it all to you!
THANK YOU SO MUCH and I hope you will keep on downloading my stuff, there is plenty more to come!
Work in progress
Hi guys!
Here are some pictues of my work in progress. (you can find more pics on my facebook page!)
Fixed submissions!
Hi guys
Some of you mentioned that a few of my houses weren't available for download and that you received the message "is not on S3 yet". So I've sent a message to TSR and the problem should be fixed. I tried downloading them and it worked.
Dorienski xxx
Work in progress
Hi guys
Since I've had surgery on 6 December I'm having loads and loads of time... So I've been building and decorating in fast modus. Lately I'm really into American style houses and cottage houses, but no worries, I've got a couple of modern houses in the pipeline too! Here are some examples. Hope I can finish them soon. You'll find more pictures on my facebook!
Thanks for the support!
Furnished versions
Since I'm having problems with uploading some of my furnished houses, I really want to show you how they were decorated. So I posted a couple of pictures to allow you a quick look.
And I also wanted to thank you all for downloading my houses, I'm so thrilled that you like them! Thanks a lot and happy holidays! xxx
Bob (unfurnished version is available for download):
Lee (unfurnished version is available for download):
Cooper (unfurnished version is available for download):
Maynard (unfurnished version is available for download):
Zachary (unfurnished version is available for download):
Britt (unfurnished version is available for download):
pets fix :(
Pfff, I don't know it anymore, I've followed exactly what TSR told me to do to "fix pets" and now I can't upload my furnished houses. Does anyone know another way to patch everything? I'm getting kind of desperate :(
Wow guys, I can't believe it: 60000 DOWNLOADS!!! I'm really proud and so unbelievably happy that you like my houses! I will definitely keep on building (have tons of houses yet to come), and I hope you'll keep on downloading them!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Have a great day and happy simming to you all!
Dorienski x
Wow guys, I have about 10000 downloads! I'm so happy right now!
Thanks for all your support!
After 4 days of trying to re-install The Sims, it finally worked!!! I'm really releived, I succeeded in saving all my houses and all downloads. Except for my next house: the Muller house... I'm still trying to recover it!
But anyway, I'm so happy I can play again... and I will be sharing soon! The Hening house, the furnished version is on its way, together with the unfurnished version of the Muller house!
Totally freaking out!!!
Waaaaah I'm going totally crazy! All of a sudden my Sims game won't work anymore. I don't know why... it just keeps on saying my base game isn't compatible with fast lane stuff :(
So I tried to re-install, but now it won't install world adventures... I'm so desperate, couldn't imagine life without sims :-)
I'm just gonna keep on trying and when I get back I will have some extras for you!
Kisses & hugs