Hi...again, thanks for the great response to my latest story, 'An Honorable Knight'. The Sim I used was so popular, I am going to use him again. (I got a lot of PM's and GB inquiries about him) to answer your question, I do not know where I got him, I get a lot of my Sim Males at, then add my own touches.
One story is "SHIP OF DREAMS", starring the blond hero/hunk from 'Knight'.
Here he is with his lady fair...
The other Story is called "A Spurious Rake". It is starring a character that is beloved to a bunch of us Sims2 Story bloggers, 'Gabe', I have inserted him here as a notorious rake of Regency England. Thank you beth and gayl...
Hopefully I can finish these before the end of this month. I may post the 'High Seas' story first, as there is an SA contest for June for a 'Nautical' theme!
Thanks for the continued support and have a great week!!
And wow...over 50,000 page views and 529,000 downloads...I am stunned, and very grateful!~~Karen