Hi! Some Story news, I STILL have "Escape from Fort Bravo" to finish, that has been hanging around since January, LOL! It will be a two-parter. A western, of course. Will be posted here at TSR soon...I hope! LOL!
Also I was so gratified with the response to my foray into the Regency era, "The Two Faces OF Aidan" I decided to go back even further into the 'Dark Ages' or Mediveal period to try my hand at another period in history. The story will be called "An Honorable Knight" , yes, it is a romance, and I have a few preview pictures up at my off-site blog DREWSOLTESZ SIMSTORIES Thanks to cariadbach, I now know how to post pics in my blog, so here are a few more preview shots of the hero, Sir John Twinningham...
Leave a message there (or leave it here!) and tell me what you think! Will be posting the story here at TSR hopefully in a few weeks.
Thanks for all the continued support for my stories, the amount of wonderful comments I receive is very humbling and gratifying!
Cheers and have a great week!