I will try and have one, as I have been deathly ill with the flu all Christmas week! Could not even eat Christmas dinner!! WAH!
AS for my resolution? it is boring and standard, to lose weight. I have started already before Xmas, I only mention it here to remind myself to stick with it. It is only the last few years I have been gaining weight, and it has to stop.
As for VAN HELSING Because I have been sick I am behind, will try and finish it up after the New Year, and post the conclusion ASAP. I am toying around with a western, (as you can tell from my latest screenshots) whether I will post it, who knows?
I am also behind in reading my buddies blogs...same reason posted above, it is on my list!
Got Celebrations stuff pack for Xmas, my family asked if I wanted any EP's I said no!? Shocking isn't it? So far I have only 2 EP's, and I think that is all I will stick with. If it wasn't for creating objects and stories, I wouldn't be playing. I cannot remember the last time I just 'played the game'.
That's it for this week...Happy New Year...Cheers!