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drewsoltesz's Blog

MOONLIGHT~~A second look

Ok, I will admit my eyes rolled a lot the first few episodes, I found Sophia Myles wooden as 'Beth' the reporter. I stuck it out because I am shameless in my visual enjoyment in watching Alex O'Loughlin in full vampire mode, even if some of the story lines were predicable and even lame, I stuck with it. (I would do my manicure during the dull bits)

Now, I am glad I did. The last 4-5 episodes have been much better, I love the plot with Mick St. John's wife (and the one who turned him) showing up,(is she human, is she vamp?) and the subplot with his friend Josef (Jason Dohring) the 400 year old cynical partying vampire who does not believe in love, who it turns out, DID love someone, a human from 1955, and in trying to 'turn' her it went horribly wrong, now she lies in vamp twilight, not aging, but deep in a coma 50+ years later.

I was convinced this show would have Beth getting into some sort of trouble every week and Mick having to 'rescue' her. YAWN. It does still occasionally happen, but if the show sticks to the vampires and their backstory, it is far more gripping than the 'rescue of the week'.

Sophia Myles has improved a bit, I read somewhere she had a real problem adjusting to an American accent, that may explain her 'woodenness'. I just saw her in 'Colditz' with Damien Lewis and she was much better than in this series.

So for now, I say Moonlight is OK and I can see it has potential to get better...and there have been more episodes ordered, so if the writer's ever settle and get back to work, who knows?

Cheers~~and have a great week...

200,000 Downloads ...wow

I never thought I would reach this number of downloads for my humble, few creations. Many thanks to all who did download and comment on my limited talent! My floor and male Sim creations seem popular, so I will try and make more of them in future...

My trip is winding down, and I will be back at my own computer the week of December 9th. Will try to have Part 7 of Van Helsing uploaded later that week!

Cheers, and have a great week!!


I do know when I will be back again though, I am off across this large, great country of Canada to visit family on the east coast. I will be gone from Nov 3-Dec 9th. I have uploaded a number of sets/objects so when I get a chance to get on my parents computer I will move some over to (pending) be put on the site, will also check my guestbook when I can. But the final two chapters (yes, there are eight of them!) of Van Helsing will have to wait until I am back in December. Pray nothing happens to our computer while I am gone! LOL!

I do not know if I will be taking a break from storytelling then or not, I will see how I feel. I have a western (Sim photostory) half-finished from the summer, maybe I will finish that, who knows.

Again, thanks for all the support. I have taking up writing again, seriously...for the first time in ages, and it is thanks to all the great support and comments I have rec'd on my little Sim tales, it has given me a confidence in my writing that has been missing for several years.

And fingers crossed for my beloved Boston Red Sox, they made to the World Series (Major League Baseball)and are leading 2-0 (games) as of this writing. WAHOOO!!! THEY WON THE WORLD SERIES!!
I was up half the night watching the celebrations, I was so excited!

Cheers~~and have a great week.


Van Helsing will soon be coming to an end. I am about to start part 8 (the photo taking part)and I am hoping to wrap up all the plot points. I will be away from my computer the whole month of November visiting family, so I will not be uploading the concluding chapters until I return in December. Sorry for that, I pray you all stick with me!!
Part V (five) I am putting the finishing touches on and hope to upload middle of next week. Part VI (six) I hope to have polished off and uploaded at the end of October before I leave. I am still having fun with this, but it does take over your life, LOL!! The characters have taken me in directions I did not intend at first! Raynor was only going to be a secondary character for example...now look, LOL!
I want to take a minute and thank my writing buddies, who encourage me and with their great talent, make me strive to reach greater heights! Beth, Eve, Gayl, Leah, Sandy, Zayury, you girls rock!

And again, let me thank everyone who has left comments, GB entries or PM's regarding my stories...it has given me great pleasure!!
And the detailed wonderful comments I have been getting on Van Helsing has given me a confidence in my writing I have never had before, I thank you all for that...

Also if you love Vampire tales, please check out Saoz tale 'Seasons of Change' in the story telling forums...wonderful!!

Cheers~~ Karen

MOONLIGHT-It Didn't suck..

But neither was it great. I am speaking of the new vampire/detective/fantasy TV series (CBS in the US CTV in Canada)
It was predictable, and the female lead I found wooden, but let's talk about Alex O'Loughlin! He's an Australian TV actor who presence fills the screen, another tortured soul, who gets his blood in a six-pack plasma from his fellow friend and vampire who happens to work at a morgue. (He refuses to bite people) This series was created by the same people that brought you "Beauty and the Beast" all those years ago, and I can see the similarities already. (Girl gets in trouble, protector (beast/vampire) swoops in to save the day)
I have my doubts it will last, but O'Loughlin captures the essence of a conflicted, modern day vampire. And it doesn't hurt that he is quite handsome, (and tall) I sound so shallow!!
It might be worth a look, but make it quick, Moonlight I feel, is not long for this world~

Oct 5th episode was a touch darker, apparently written by the guy who wrote episodes for "Angel". (which I have never seen) A little twist, the female lead 'Beth' the reporter rescued the Vampire, yummy Mick St. John, maybe they will alternate weeks...next week he will rescue her! (Please, no!) Female lead is still wooden and emotionless. I loved the last few minutes when she caught him sucking back on some plasma, 'Don't look at me!" he pleaded. Some potential there I feel will never be tapped...too bad.
What is this about 'silver being poison?' New one on me! LOL!

Have a great week!~~

PS: doing a happy dance, my beloved Boston Red Sox (baseball) have clinched the AL east, first time since 1995! Off to the playoffs! Wheee!!! Double WHEEE! The took the Angels in three straight games...off to meet the Cleveland Indians!!!

Story Ratings~~OFF

I have decided to turn the ratings off my stories for awhile, because frankly I am weary of seeing the same users over and over again 'downrate' my stories. Let me explain...downrating is when someone leave a comment like 'thanks for sharing, rah,love it,'then give you a 1 out of 5. I know who you are, I can do the math.

I am not mad, or bitter or upset really, (and I hope I don't sound it, LOL! I also hope I do not come across as some petulant child who turned off the ratings because she did not get a grade she liked, frankly, I have been thinking about this for some time)I just want to try posting stories with the ratings off for a bit.

I am rather flummoxed by the whole thing, (downrating, I see it happen to others as well) but hey, that's human nature I suppose.
So the remaining couple of chapters of Van Helsing will have the ratings off, hope this does not offend anyone!



In the process of uploading the next installation of "The Van Helsing Chronciles" and it has been a real struggle to keep it PG-13!! I wholly understand and agree with TSR's guidelines for stories being posted. But I find myself chewing my fingernails waiting to see if each chapter will be OK'd or not! LOL!

A large number of storytellers have left TSR and started their own blogs because they felt constricted by the PG-13 guidelines. I am willing to work within the framework TSR has laid out. When I feel I no longer can, I will make a decision then.

Also I have rec'd some messages/questions regarding Dracula and vampires. Bram Stoker's Dracula novel is part of the public domain. 50 years after an author's death, his work becomes "public domain" that means I can do whatever I like to Stoker's characters, like changing the vampire mythology (like vampire's having children, etc)and using his characters in a story. SO I am making up my own rules (vampire-wise) as I go along, it's more fun that way! LOL!

Again, thanks for all the support for my little tales, it gives me the will to continue!! I am humbled by all the support!


I finally did it!

After much hemming and hawing I took the plunge and purchased a mini-site here at TSR...I just got back yesterday from an exhaustive car-trip across half of Canada, I was gone the whole month of August visiting family and friends in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia 'Canada's Ocean Playground' and my former home. Had a great time, only rained a few times the whole month we were there, also got to the beach and rec'd my sunburn of the season! Ouch!
Please bear with me as I feel my way around this mini-site concept..I will be putting the finishing touches on my latest story 'The Van Helsing Chronicles' and posting it very soon! Also working on more floors, walls, paintings, etc.

And lastly, to TSR and all the great people I have met here...I am home...Cheers!


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