fantasticSims's Blog
Computer Problems
Hi everyone!!!! I'm still around. As some of you already know I have been having computer problems. But, as soon as I'm able, I'll be creating again! Stay tuned!
Creations coming soon..
Hi all!!!! I've a few sets in the works and a bunch of pictures/photography done by me I'll be uploading soon. I've also a few lots in the works as well. I'm still pretty short on time, but I'll be adding my creations as I have the free time.
I've read over the comments left and thank you so much for your amazing supprt!
2 Month Break....
Hi all...
Unfortunately, over the next two months, I'll be unable to submit or create for the game. A few personal life issue have popped up requiring my immediate attention.
Overall I'll be pretty inactive here on TSR. I'll probably be more active in the FB community, but still it will be short intervals.
The two month hiatus is only a may be a bit shorter, which is what I'm hoping. I'll be submitting a paint splatter set, as I have promised and after that I won't have the time for a bit to create...
Thank you so much for everyone's support and encouragement over the years I've been here. I'm truly grateful for all of your feedback and love to hear from you. Even if I don't respond in a timely manner to your comments or guestbook entries, I do read them and appreciate every bit of them.
So with that said, I'll see everyone in about 2 months!!! Hopefully with some new items!!!
Thank you!
Hello all!!!
I have been gone for a few days and have accumulated a TON of comments! There is not way I can thank each and everyone of you for your lovely feedback...which I'm very sorry for :(
So instead I'm sending a huge "THANK YOU!" to all for your lovely and encouraging comments on my items!
Happy Simming!
I broke a million! Wow!
It's a rewarding feeling to have so many people enjoy the creations that we as submitters/artists put out there....So thank you again, with sincere appreciation for everyone for all of your amazing support and encouragement.
This upcoming year, I hope I can continue to put out creations that everyone enjoys!
WOW! 500,000 and Counting!
Thank you so much for all of your support and wonderful feedback! I can hardly believe 500,000+ downloads! WOW! I'm literally speechless at the number!
TSR has been such a wonderful and welcoming community. I'm very glad I accidently found this site and decided to try to create and submit here. Everyone involved has been so amazing! Thank you again!
fantastic8019 is now fantasticSims!
Yes, I have changed my name to fantasticSims. I never expected to have to much fun creating for the sims3, so I wanted a name that was more fitting.
I'm hoping, that with the two names being similar there won't be too much confusion...especially to the kind people who bookmarked me! The plan is to leave my profile picture the same for awhile, to help find me, for those who so desire. As for my downloads and pictures that feature the fantastic8019 name, I don't know what to do! You're input is greatly appreciated!
Thank you to everyone again, for your kind remarks and encouragement. I'm having a blast being part of this creative community, and I hope to continue to be apart of it!
Wow, I am completely astounded by this! 50,000+ downloads! Thank you so much to everyone who left their comments and downloaded my creations. Taking part in this has been a very rewarding experience, more than I ever expected. Thank you again to everyone for your support!