![Sims 4 — FP-Papillon by francien — Another small cottage for those sims who likes tiny and cosy cottage's. Living with](/scaled/2487/w-600h-450-2487166.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 4
Another small cottage for those sims who likes tiny and cosy cottage's. Living with kitchennook and fireplace. Small bathroom with tub and toilet. Upstairs one bedroom.
In the garden there are spots to plant flowers or other plants for the sim who enjoy gardening.
Porch with BQ.
Fully furnished and decorated.
Prize: 60.132
Lotsize: 20x15
Covered Porch
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1255315
ItemID: 1255315
Filesize: 200 KB
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