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Created for: The Sims 3
A soft classic sheer lace dress that is suitable for Career, Everyday, sleepwear, and Formal. One Dress with so many options to wear. Going out on the town, dress it up with some sleek heels or keep it professional while headed to the office of your political conquest. Your a star? Then wear it on stage for a look to wow your fans.
Located under outfits
Career / Everyday / Formal / Sleepwear
You may use any of my creations on your sims for game and to upload for sharing. But not to claim as your own. please see creator notes.
Custom mesh by me
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1306129
ItemID: 1306129
Filesize: 2 MB
Young Adult to Adult
Located under Outfits
Can be worn - Everyday / Formal / Career / Sleepwear
Launcher thumbnail / Cas-bin Images
1 Channels / 3 Presets
Please don't use my textures, re-upload, or claim as your own.
Mesh by me
Credits: Tsr - Workshop - Custom Creators
- Type : Outfits
- Style : Everyday, Formal, Sleepwear
- Age : Young Adult, Adult
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