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fredbrenny's Guestbook

sophie01243Aug 17, 2016

thankyou for your reply yes I do have most of the expansions I was just wondering about the stuff packs you creae stunning stuff for the s3 thankyou \:\)

AishaSirenAug 14, 2016

Haha, ik woon dus in Zaandam, die huisjes zien er accurate uit! Geweldig gedaan! ^-^

RiempjeeAug 12, 2016

Nee, ook nog een paar andere maar in die huizen zijn zeker allemaal uitbreidingen gebruikt?, ik heb indd alleen levensweg, dieren, en jaargetijden dus ik denk dat het daar aan ligt!

TomOstergreenAug 11, 2016

TY happy to be aboard \:\)

RiempjeeAug 8, 2016

Ik heb de zaanse huisjes gedownload en villa in the wood ofso, maar ik had allemaal basic meubels uit de Sims 3 basic game. Vond ik best jammer maar niks aan te doen! Heb het huis alsnog helemaal ingericht zoals ik het leuk vond \:\)\:wub\:

jsimpson72Aug 6, 2016

ur welcome. I have downloaded it. very impressive!!!!

PralinesimsAug 4, 2016

Hugs & Kisses ♥

zoeyzukoJul 26, 2016

Freddie your builds never cease to amaze me. I don't know how you do it but they are all so beautifully created. Keep 'em coming! \:\)

Lila LatzhoseJul 25, 2016

Thank YOU for still uploading those stunning creations for Sims3!!!!! Greetings from Lila

spitzmagicJul 17, 2016

Barbie Sim did move into's amazing (((sis))) she totally loves it as do I. Hope you never tire of being told just how beautiful your lots are. \:wub\: You are awesome!

PralinesimsJul 16, 2016

Muah! Kisses and a bunch of hugs!

AquarhieneJul 14, 2016

Hello Freddie, at first I'm really sorry for the slow response, and secondly thank you so much for your nice comment!!\:\)\:wub\: Have a great day!\:\)

zoeyzukoJul 9, 2016

Oh my a Texan ranch? Awesome! Maybe my Zoey and family will want to live there. \:D Thanks for the info! I have also looked at your older designs. Totally amazing houses! So many to choose from that I like \;\)

GuardgianJul 3, 2016

Thank you so much Freddie for your lovely comment on my lot Along the River, I am thrilled you like it ! \:wub\:\:wub\:

PralinesimsJun 30, 2016

And we love YOU!! Kiss!!!!! ♥

crystal_church21Jun 20, 2016

Your very welcome!!!!

zoeyzukoMay 22, 2016

Thanks for the great the little garden one and boat one too. Looking forward to the beach house now too. \;\) Have fun in Texas...and yeah if you land or fly over Dallas give me a big wave! Keep smiling~

Whatever0623May 22, 2016

Yep, I MISSED it!! I went looking around and there it was.. glaring at me.. like..*sniffle* "How could you!!!" LOL! That would truly be a shame, because I am going in game now to place it with the most perfect Simmie!! That was a close on. Must.. pay..closer..attention! \:D \:wub\:

AkatalaMay 17, 2016

I wish I could, but my world is still in the beginning planning and rudimentary sculpting phase. Though if you have played Fable 2, it will look quite a bit like Brightwood, which is what I'm loosely basing it on. If not, it'll be a mostly birch forest with a spring waterfall into a small catch pool that becomes the river that the village is built beside, down stream. A castle will sit on a high point along with several other lots that make up the aristocratic estate. The rest of the buildings will be different kinds of woodsy builds, each one different. I've been working on collecting and building the lots that I plan to put in it so that i will have the supplies I need once I get to that point. :3

ravishingeliteMay 15, 2016

lol I know you build out of the box homes, its why you're one of my fave artist

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