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fredbrenny's Guestbook

mutskeDec 18, 2017

Thanks Freddy!!!

Birba32Oct 5, 2017

Thank you so much Freddie for your kind comment \:wub\:

LeighBloodMoonAug 17, 2017

Oh it's no issue! I can download it now~ On one PC I have all EP's and on or two SP's, and other I have them all. My discs got damaged in a move once and they weren't registered. \:\( I'll be using it everytime I visit the other place. :]

zoeyzukoAug 15, 2017

Oh for sure we'll all enjoy your wine and we'll toast in honor of you. \:D

jessesueAug 15, 2017

hahahaahaha, I think we would all like undo and redo in real life! LOL

zoeyzukoAug 13, 2017

So I just downloaded your Toscana 2 with the wine cellar. It'll make a great story for me. Soon you'll see in a few weeks. \:D Thanks for the house ...and the new idea for a story! \:wub\:

zoeyzukoAug 3, 2017

Hey Thanks Freddie for a great idea with the wine cellar ...Yeah! \:rah\:\:\)

raven432Aug 1, 2017

Hey! Thank you for your prompt and friendly reply to my comment! As for the stairs issue, I actually did try at first to fix it the way you suggested, and tried again today, but both times it did not work. It's not that the stairs won't place (because then you can still see the outline of the stairs selected, with a red box around them), it's that the stairs "disappear" in the exact same spot where I want to place them, as if there is already a set of stairs there, only they are invisible.

ShinoKCRJul 6, 2017

Hi Freddie! I'm very happy that you like my Shabby Chic Dining! (Hugs)

jconner59Jul 5, 2017

YAY!!!!!! Can't wait to get it...nice job\:wub\:

jconner59Jun 20, 2017

Still watching for that beautiful home you are going to build in Island Paradise, with the pool out over the water\:\)\:wub\:

Lisa BeeApr 27, 2017

Always my dear murky friend!! HUGS!

SIMcredible!Apr 23, 2017

Hello, Freddie ʕ • ͡ᴥ • ʔ It's great to know you and your sims enjoy our creations (ˆ▿ˆ) Thank you for your comment! Wish you have a happy simming ◕◡◕ Hugs

oldmember_RockinRApr 15, 2017

I got an idea for a theme...How about Mid-Century Modern Homes? I watch a lot of HGTV and I just love the Cliff May Mid-Century Homes that are around the Southern California area. I not very good using the CFE that makes homes look more realistic. Just a thought....Hope you have wonderful Easter with friends and family. Huggsss and \:wub\:\:wub\: Robin

PralinesimsApr 6, 2017

Thaaaaank you! *-*

mutskeApr 4, 2017

Dank je Freddy!!!

mutskeMar 30, 2017

Hi Freddie. A really big Thanks to YOU!!!!

ella47Mar 29, 2017

Hi. Duizendpoot. Wat een goed idee met de Fireplace van Woondy. Ik ben ook altijd aan het stoeien met de openhaarden, om er een persoonlijk tintje aan te geven. Ik heb het idee min of meer van je overgenomen in mijn volgende huis. Ik vond die nis heel mooi. Liefs Elly.

DMeach2013Mar 23, 2017

Blue lagoona is perfect!

DMeach2013Mar 21, 2017

Hi there! Hope you're doing well. Was wondering if you're still doing the beach house and if so do you want me to give you the name. I was going to call it Paradise Found. If not doing it no hard feelings. Take care! \:\)

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