Tomb Raider theme
Long time, no blog. LOL
Anyhoo, just wanted to give a heads up to all Tomb Raider fans out there. I am currently working on a TR theme for Sims3. This is a rather big theme, as it will include a Lara Croft Sim, clothing from the various games, and Croft Manor as well. While the clothing will be representative of all the games, the Lara Sim and Croft Manor will actually be based on the older games. I have seen a lot of folks doing versions of new Lara and the newer manor, but I think old-school, classic Lara needs some love too. I may try my hand at builing some tombs, and possibly some other characters from the games, but that isn't set in stone yet. Sorry, Angelina Jolie fans, I will not be recreating anything from the movie versions of TR. Once again, there are thousands of Angelina Jolie Sims to found around the internet and I wanted to do something different. Don't get me wrong, I loved the movies. They are part of my DVD collection. But for the purposes of this theme, I am sticking to just the video games.