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frisbud's Guestbook

JCIssetteAug 21, 2010

Good morning, frisbud. Hope you are having a good one. Just wanted to say how pleased I am to be your "hero."\:wub\:  I don't think I have ever had that title.\:D I'm glad you liked my Rhett Butler mansion. I am a huge fan of Gone with the Wind, also. I will look forward to your Rhett and Scarlet Sims.\:D  Have a great weekend. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

ElutAug 16, 2010

Hi frisbud \:D Thanks for the comment on Bohemian Rhapsody, I love that song to \:D . The idea came because I was playing a sims that wanted to ace out inventing, painting and sculpturing and I didn´t wanted him to have another job, so he couldn´t afford all the equipment \:\) So why not make an house for artist.

dsrhnryAug 8, 2010

your welcome, and believe me i think you are talented. And you must be sweet to take the time to upload them for all of us to share. I for one really appreciate it. I look forward to your next creation, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. ~hugs~

dsrhnryAug 8, 2010

i wanted to stop by and say hello, and tell you how much i've enjoyed seeing all that you have worked so hard to create, done with great care and put together with such love of detail. thank you for sharing your designs with all of us to put in our sims home and on thier backs. my sims love your designs, they actually jump up and twirl around and have the perfect outifut on. thank you for all your well deserved praise for a job well done.

Tiger_RoseJul 11, 2010

Hi \:\) thank you for your lovely creations for Sims 1. Yes I am so old school I know  \:o   but your beautiful work has really enhanced my game alot. Thank you for leaving it up here for us to download, I appreaciate that since so much custom content has diappeared now   \:\(    Have a great day!

fairygirl8000Jun 16, 2010

I just like creating sims for people to download i didn't realize i had to give credit to every single custom content used. I'm not claiming them as my own, just the sims themselves. You know how many people out there don't, i am in no way claiming the stuff as my own i just didn't want to upload a dull sim with a bunch of ea stuff, but if i have to give credit to everyone's creations i used to make mine better than i guess ill just use ea content i didn't think it was that big of deal and most of the stuff i use is by well known creators. Sorry if i offended u.

fairygirl8000Jun 15, 2010

Just some fyi the sim i created Amber doesn't have custom contain on everyday outfit, its from the store and the formalwear is from allaboutstyle the sleepwear is included in the download.

greenisloveJun 7, 2010

thank for your comment.i try to do that...\:o....ani...\;\)

greenisloveJun 6, 2010

is by lorandasims

greenisloveJun 6, 2010

sorry.i forgat is from where.maby lina sims or lorandiasims. \:wub\:

jla43Jun 4, 2010

I will change the pic when I get home and I already edit the sim to give the proper credits...

jla43Jun 4, 2010

Hi! The Fergie sim's hair previewed in the pic is from Newsea (Wishing tree) and the outfit is from saliva (24 recolorable outfit)....I know the outfit is not the same as in the pic but I had premade my pic and I wasn't going to change it due to a "household problem" I had with my original sim...

HadewychJun 2, 2010

Me again - thanks for the quick reply \:\)  Meh - I will have to search for some hair that resembles yours a bit then - I haven't got HELS indeed (or maybe I can have a look Friday when I get Ambitions what it costs now \;\))  Poor guy, getting a combover instead of a nice quif \:D I'll let you know when I find some suitable 'toupet' \;\)

HadewychJun 2, 2010

Hey \:D  In the end I did upload your Sim Mahuizoh Jimmy Maximus, but imagine my surprise when I went to look for him I found he lost his hair \:D  He has a bad combover instead of the quite nice hair of the upload \:puke\:  The Launcher did say that some bits were incompatible and would be replaced by 'proxies', but I imagined that would have been the vest and jacket of the EA store.  I haven't got that, so I presumed another jacket would be provided - it became a checkered shirt instead - haha \:D  Would you know how this comes to be?  Or could you tell me which hair you used? Maybe my ex is more jinxed than he even realises \;\)  

CleotopiaMay 13, 2010

Hi there. There's a bug with the Submission-system of TS2 today..  It says the 'ZIP name file is un-allowed'. But It's not a sexual name, the name is just 'summeroutfits'. I thought the problem would be IN the pack, so I uploaded just for test a file whose already was published . It says again it's Un-allowed. I think there's a bug today, and that can be a problem for submitters..   I hope you understand.   Cleo.

foxysimsApr 21, 2010

I understand..But the file name is ,,Isa'' . So I don't see any problems with the name.

foxysimsApr 21, 2010

Hi ! Can you help me with smth please? I tried to upload a sim, but it's saying : Error Malformed XML in Sims3Pack file (2). You know why or what's the problem? Thank you. - FoxySims

matomibotakiApr 18, 2010

Hello, I am a little bit sad that you reported some of my screenshots. Of course some of them have perhaps a little bit to much effects, but if you report my once, you have to report nearly 98% of the sims-stuff on TSR. It is most important for me that members see the houses or the patterns like they are, so only one is with text and effects and the other ones are only in game shots. If somebody intressted to download my submissions and look at all of the screenshots, so they can always see like the lot or the pattern will look like in there own game.

boxorox13Apr 11, 2010

Wow- this is really late!- but thanks a bunch for commenting on Emily! \:D 

miiszyyApr 5, 2010

Hi, is there a way to get someone's creation removed if it's yours and the person uploaded it as their own?..

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