girluver27 (2903395)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Black and red outfit w/...
Published Dec 31, 2010
About Me
Heehee, they spelled Oct. wrong ^^
Well first of all, i wont rlly b posting creations of mine, cuz, well, my Sims 2 body shop isn't working, infact it wont even open ='( so most of mmy creations r gonna b well, crapy. if u know how to fix it plz tell me =) i would rlly b thankful. now, how about i tell u some stuff about me! wouln't that b fun
kk, first off, i gotta say one thing.... i love anime. yes its true i am a huge anime fan, BUT! i'm not that fan that can tell u every single little detail about an anime ( i cant explain anything to someone unless that person is myself L=>). btw, i do know alot of smilies xD i gotta have meh smiliez!!!! my fav band is ( u most likley have nvr heard of it, if u have i am proud of u) Evanescence, if u listen to 94.9 on the radio u most likley have heard at least one of their songs, Bring me to life. Now if u dont like metal, then u most likley woulnd't like their music ( i just misspelled that like 8 times >=( & i know how 2 spell it too, but i kept typing mucis) I also enjoy other bands like : TDG, Avenge Seven Fold, ICP, KoRn, Rob zombie, Flyleaf ( i only rlly listen to 1 song of theirs though, L=>), Shinedown, & some other hard metal/ metal/ rock bands.
Now since i told u that i like anime i best should list my fav anime ( no order though) : NANA, Vampire knight ( who doesn't?), Bleach, Rosario + vampire, Rozen maiden ( one of the best anime ever made!! =D) , Ouran high school host club, Soul eater, Eureka 7, Lucky star, Hellsing ( Best vampire anime ever made), and some others that i cant think of the name right now L=>
Well i dont rlly know wut to do know, so im just gonna chill out, drink the rest of my 24 pack of Dr, Pepper, and play the Sims 2 B)