My Dancing Day
I knew that it would bode well come FA picking time after I learned last Thursday that I was this months first place SA pick. As exhilerating as that moment was, what really rocked my dome was Sue's PM a mere 5 days later inviting me to step up to FA status! I envisioned this moment back when I submitted Hemplewhyte in September of '08. On Tuesday morning I just settled back into a vertical stare for a suspended moment and then got up to do a little jig to the the kitchen and back! Many many people earnestly feel they are good at something and envision the same moment but the acid test has to eventually come when others of like exceptional skill and passion think likewise...and express it.
The scriptures say "Let another's lips praise you and not your own". Praise has been duly expressed and while it is a huge adrenaline rush it is also quite humbling because no one is an island unto their own self. I thank EVERYONE involved along the way; from all of you who laddled the accodades on top of any given submission, to the shortlist of fellow artisans (Gosik, Kat, Freddie, Shannon, Sue, Paul, I hope I didn't leave anybody out) who have dialoged with me about issues great and small, to the FA selection panel, and ultimately to The ONE who has placed in each of our hearts, minds and fingers our respective giftings.
May we always remember, no one is an island. HUGE HUGE kudos to all of you!!!
Now back to the build screen.