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gissence's Blog

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Just hit 100 today! My sincerest thanks to everybody!

Though it doesn't look like much is going on I have been quite busy, not only building but also making a robust attempt at meshing and object creating.  A personal thanks to Gosik for working with me on that issue. Haven't actually made anything yet but I've learned a bunch.

Thanks for the Congrats!!

A really big THANK YOU for everybody who sent the many wonderful and glowing words regarding my promotion to Sims 2 SA status. I've dusted off the CD, got used to the tools I worked hard at getting unfamiliar with over the last few months, and have uploaded another installment to the Glen Eden series I started just before S3 hit the streets. I had a few more Glen Eden lots almost completed prior to S3 so I'm working now at getting them ready for upload. We will see how it works with dividing my loyalties between the two versions, but I'm ready to give it a good ole college try.


And I hope the new avatar doesn't throw you off too much, not sure if I'll keep it.

See Some Really Great design Work

If you enjoy seeing empassioned sim design work, do youself a favor and pop over to SimInterior Design for a look at the entries to their first design contest called The Haunted House Challenge. Simply fantastic is each entry in every aspect of its design: architecture, landscape, decorating, furnishing, and even storyline. I'm just glad I don't have to pick the winner!

Another Mega-Build nearing completion

Since having SA staus bestowed upon me I am yet to submit another offering. So I thought it would be good to let anybody who has been wondering, that I've been dilegently plugging away on a companion lot for my very popular DANDYWINE COLLEGE. One huge difference with this one is that I'm decorating and furnishung it. It's called Steigelmeier Manor and it will contain a banquet terrace & restaurant, the main campus library, the dean's residence, and 4 very private plushy guest rooms.

I've recently posted a screenshot if you're interested. The architecture and landscaping is done and I'm maybe less than half way through the interior. Please don't hesitate to leave a comment or question if you have one...or more

Thanks all you downloaders!

I just noticed that I flew by the 10,000 downloads mile marker. That done less than 10 months from my first of 18 submissions! Thanks SO MUCH to all you downloaders that make life possible here at TSR. You are the all important consumer and I plan on supplying you with even greater works as I continue to learn just how far these amazing building tools will go.

It's been a very lpng time since I've been this enthralled in the creative process.

Everybody stopped downloading?

It is a glitch in my system only, but I'm looking at the lot submissions published July 1 and they all have 0 downloads. Plus my lots haven't budged off the same number in more that a day, which has NOT been the recent trend.

Is there a moderator or somebody who knows what's up? Just curious...again ;)

Dandywine College...any ideas?

Since over 1600 of you have downloaded my Dandywine College has anybody got any ideas they would like to share with me as to how you have decorated this place and what you would use it for? I'm somewhat bedazzled at this number since it was published 8 days ago particularly because it was not at all furnished. When I got 3 in the mail I just starting checking things out without any predetermined plan and about a week later this thing emreged that looked like a college campus.


You see I don't play the sims, yet I'm absolutely enthralled with building their houses. Ipso facto, I'm really in the dark as to how this building can functionally work in live mode. Is it a residence? Is it an apartment? Can you do apartments in 3? Is it a community lot?


It would be really great to hear back from at least a couple of users who have actually integrated Dandywine into game play.

Can you publish the top 20?

Congratulations to the 6 building competition winners. Vanity and sheer morbid curiosity compels me to simply ask the TSR staff if they could reveal the top 20 list that they mentioned. Think of it as an "honorable mention" catagory.

Thanks TSR

Thanks guys for including my Cuthbert House in your new Victorian collection. I was way suprised to see it there when I happened to be checking out the recent news. Actually, I was looking for more booty (LOL). I still have 2 more to find but I'm loosing optimism by the day.

Can we ask for a hint?

Is it also a NO-NO to ask if anyone has found booty in the forums? A simple "yes" is all I'm looking for. I got up to 10 on Friday and hit a brick wall. Surely I'm not the only one. I'm not frustrated......yet (LOL).

One thing's for sure, I've gotten to know this site up close and personal. That never would have happened without this competition. I salute the think tank behind this one by creatively turning a nasty situation into alot of positive energy!

Latest Headlines

Bookmark Mile Marker Thanks for the Congrats!! See Some Really Great design Work Another Mega-Build nearing... Thanks all you downloaders! Everybody stopped downloading? Dandywine College...any ideas? Can you publish the top 20? Thanks TSR Can we ask for a hint?
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    Published November 15, 2022 •
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