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gissence's Guestbook

wolfspryteMar 6, 2010

Hello... I just stopped by to take a look at your lots... WOW! Wonderful!  Thank you so much for sharing these.

katalinaMar 5, 2010

Hi Gary \:D I am thrilled you like Aurora Falls. Yes, I was very much inspired by your Glenriff lot and knew I wanted to build over there. I am very pleased how the lot turned out even though I had some problems with it but all is fixed now.  You said you were starting on a castle? Well I just downloaded Cyclonsues castle build set and was thinking of making a fairytale like castle with it, we shall see lol. If I inspire you with ideas, I am very honored and use any ideas you see. I am always looking for new and interesting placements of objects and just experimenting. I hope with the next EP we get more building tools. Take care and God Bless\:\)

katalinaFeb 27, 2010

Good morning Gary\:\) Yes I have fixed the lot. I had to lower the terrain way down to make the pond the water falls into. I also had to redo the bridge over it and looks great. I am very close to finishing this lot I just need to landscape more and do some tweaks. I hope when you see it that you don't think I copied off of Glenriff. The bridge placement is only similar. On this type of lot where the bridge is, is the best place for it anyways and I know you will agree. I am hoping by Sunday I will beable to submit it. I still need a name for this lot, something Elven probably. Well I am off to turn the game on so have a wonderful weekend \:wub\:

HadewychFeb 27, 2010

Aww, no problem, I always give praise when praise is due \:D Thanks for the explanation about the banner - it still is an excellent job though, no matter how you achieved it \;\)

HadewychFeb 26, 2010

Something completely different - I just had to laugh out loud when I saw your banner ("Call 944, I'm busy")  I can just imagine it (and sympathise with the guy \:D).  I'm jealous of your sim photographing skills - I never manage to capture them in the act \;\) 

fredbrennyFeb 23, 2010

Thanks \:wub\: Gary! Your wonderful comment on my Sunset Boulevard lot just put a smile on my face\:\)

katalinaFeb 21, 2010

Hi Gary\:\) I have been working on another fantasy lot and have made it into a community lot over at 57 Waterfall Way. Well I am not quite finished yet but closer then not and sent a sim in to test it. To my dismay I cannot send a sim very close to the water fall mist, I suppose it has to do with the animation of it or something. I had built a house rather close to it and a cascading stream and another structure opposite of the falls. I suppose the only thing I can do is get rid of the house and sink the terrain where the falls end at the bottom since this lot is built on several layers. I started to blog about it and was going to add a picture but I decided not to and good thing I didn't, the picture would have been decieving since now I have to tear down and reconstruct.

clifton5596Feb 16, 2010

Oh thank you so much! \:\)

Vanilla SimFeb 15, 2010

♥ Hope you had a ♥ Happy Valentine’s Day ♥

spitzmagicFeb 14, 2010

Happy Valentine ’ s Day

katalinaFeb 9, 2010

Oh gosh Gary, no I haven't started on Spring Garden yet though I do have the image saved and it looks rather intimidating if you can believe that coming from me lol. I just posted a poll to see what others would like me to make as my next lot but my head is full of ideas and imaginations. I have this idea of making Lothlorian and you can search that for images. I think that would be something you could really master even though we don't have that many build objects to work with but you are a master at CFE and can work wonders. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on the elf dwelling, I am so pleased you got to see it, it means alot. Take care \:\)

fredbrennyFeb 7, 2010

(((Gary))) Thanks for your congrats! Probably you started it all...the good vibes lingering in the air when you mentioned a SA or FA title for story writing! It was not much long after your remark I got the invitation to join the SA team! I was speechless and thrilled! So...yes...I'm a happy girl these days! See you soon! It's always good to hear from you! Hugs, Fred

AmychenFeb 2, 2010

 thanks for your comment on my gb.. have a nice day...

IllianaJan 25, 2010

Hello Gentle Gary! I was certainly touched by your kind message in my blog. \:\) Thank you very much! As for the Create a World...I'm still messing with it. I'm trying to find the right balance of lot choices, with playable (read-low loading time) graphics, but realistic settings. Unfortunately, due to the very high file sizes for even the smallest worlds, I don't think TSR can host user built worlds at this time. \:\( I guess I'll have to poke Thomas and the crew to see what they have planned to remedy the situation, as it does not appear that the file sizes are going to be getting smaller, nor can they be condensed. All that aside, I must say that each of your builds is almost magical, and you certainly have a flair for manipulating and landscaping the lots! Absolutely stunning, and very playable! It has been a real honor getting to know someone like yourself...seriously. I wish you all the best, good sir! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

katalinaJan 24, 2010

Oh MY! Gardens Beyond Spring Gate is so beautiful! I have never seen that painting before, thank you for bringing it to my attention \:D. I was thinking of making a small village depicting some of his architecture or even something similar to Rivendell and the rest of the lot being lush gardens, streams and a couple bridges. The buildings will be on different levels of terrain, kind of sounds like Glenriff lol.

katalinaJan 24, 2010

Morning Gary \:\) You know last night I went over to 57 Waterfall and raised some terrain but I am not sure the type of structure I want to put over there.  I know I want it to be fantasy like with lots of color that comes from plants and flowers and maybe even the structures themselves. If you have any ideas, I am all ears. Have a wonderful Sunday \:wub\:

fredbrennyJan 24, 2010

Thanks Gary! Thanks for your wonderful compliment on my story of the Lobsters and the Salads. I'm blushing \:wub\: Thanks for taking the time to read it too. Have a wonderful Sunday! Huggs, Frederique

simsjeanieJan 22, 2010

Hi, gissence, that was not only a "nice" comment. I really ment what said - word by word! Your Glenriff is absolutely - \:rah\:

sbrizoloneJan 19, 2010

Thanks for the idea. My new lot is going to be published tomorrow.

sbrizoloneJan 17, 2010

Thanks! Any idea for a new movie set lot? \:\)

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