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gissence's Guestbook

cemreSep 25, 2009

Hi, congratulations on becoming a Sims 2 SA, \:rah\: Cemre

NewtlcoSep 25, 2009

Congratulations on your promotion \:\)

RepulsiveDesireSep 25, 2009

Its not hard for me to give those kinds of comments on your submissions. I truly enjoy them and I always look forward to your creations. I do belive you are one of the best if not the absolute best builder the sims community has.

fredbrennySep 22, 2009

Hi Gary! Thanks for stopping by my guestbook! Good hearing from you. I just got back from a 3 week vacation to California and I have a lot of catching up to do still. The castle awaits further completion, but it simply has to wait! Barbara (Spitzmagic) and myself will do yet another story together and I am playing and building and downloading and reading...AGGGHHH...3 weeks it's too long with no computer...I'll keep you posted! Great looking lot you have there once again! I'm definately a fan! See you! Hugs, Frederique

LightSide93Sep 20, 2009

Hey again Gary! \:\) That sounded freaky, but yet it was nice, and funny as well. I saw your latest, and the lot looks great, and the screen shot, can't wait to see that. As for school, We are going to start this wedensday, or next Sunday, still not sure. And yes we have grades, but not like A+ and such, we have numeric grades from 0 to 100. And thank you for the kind comment, so glad you liked the mosque. I wonder when your lot will be up, I have one more lot to upload, as I have school, and some important exams coming. I still have the interiors, but hopefully it won't take too long. Well, hope you enjoy your weekend. ~Light~ \:D

LightSide93Sep 18, 2009

Hey Gary! \:\) Thought I would pop in. Haven't heard from you for long! How have you been? Seems you were busy building, and your lots look great honestly. \;\) Oh well, hope hear from you soon. ~Light~ \:D

GosikSep 9, 2009

...and now, after reading your comment on Autumn,  I'm wondering if you already read my message or not \:\)

shazmaySep 5, 2009

Thanks for replying to my comment the warcraft I play is the one u didnt play lol... and Blizzard have just annouced a new expasion for it so cant wait for that next summer

cazaruptSep 4, 2009

Hi there! I love all your homes, they are all beautiful and really playable! Nice style, too!

irre29Aug 27, 2009

Hi! I saw your screenshots, they are so fantastic. \:wub\:  The latests ones (Glenriff) reminds me of a small village in Germany.

PlayfulAug 24, 2009

Hey thanks for the response! I asked one other creator about his lot and I was completely ignored, common I guess amongst talented builders, I don't know. At any rate I appreciate you taking the time out to answer. Your creations are marvelous, thanks for sharing!

PrinceRJAug 21, 2009

Thank You

cpblick45Aug 18, 2009

Hi!!  I came across your creations this evening while I was browsing through the Select Artists section, and from the moment I opened up the first of the screenshots I was mesmerized.  They're absolutely awesome, and amazing, and overall outstanding!!  I kept muttering "Wow!" until even my cats sat up and took notice.  I can't wait to see what you come up with next!!  Thanks for sharing your beautiful designs with us all!  I, for one, am extremely grateful that God instilled in you such an interest and talent for architecture.  \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

fredbrennyAug 13, 2009

LOL...!   I had to go back to your screenshot to remember what it said...It is really funny! Cairo....great place to go, she doesn't know what she will be missing...\:D

fredbrennyAug 13, 2009

Hi Gary!...I am having a try as we speak at building the castle...It is coming along great...but these projects take lot of time. I want it to bee good so I will take that time. Thanks for your comment in my GB about it. I will definately post a screenie when it's going somewhere! Have a wonderful day! Hugs, Frederique

wolfmushAug 12, 2009

Hey there! Thanks for the comment on "Little Oasis"... I did kinda go nuts with the landscape, didn't I? =D Thanks a mill! ~wolfmush~

GosikAug 12, 2009

Hi, I have already finished the house! It's in my upcoming items amd I hope you'll be the first person to leave me a really nice comment \;\)

PrinceRJAug 11, 2009

Yea. I apologize for my rude comment. I must go back and edit it because I downloaded the building anyway. It is such a great building. I haven't found a lot to demolish for it yet, but I'm super excited to make young adult sims to accommodate it. Right now I was thinking about making it a community lot, but residential sounds GREAT. I'll PM you my email address. THANK YOU for you creativity. 

GosikAug 10, 2009

Inspired by everything you said about CFE i decided to give it a try and to do it in a very creative way (not just using it to attach a garage to the house)... And I must say i's incredible! You can do so many things using it, it's almost like a new building tool.. a lot of fun and a lot of hard work as well... I'm still working on my latest house, but i'll let you know when I'm finished \:\) thank you so much for everything! Gosik

IllianaAug 8, 2009

Hello Gary! I must say that I was beyond floored and flattered by your guestbook entry the other day. \:o My goodness! What a sweet message! \:wub\: I meant every word I said. You ARE an incredible builder, and it is quite obvious that I am not the only one who has noticed! LOL! I have never been a "delicate flower", and sometimes I can be brusk and honest to a fault. However, that same no-nonsense honesty applies to my compliments as well...and goodness knows you deserve them! \:wub\: Thank you - not only for the kind comment in my guestbook, but for putting up with an old harridan like myself. \:P For THAT you deserve at least a medal. Hehehe! Love and hugs - Illiana

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