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gissence's Guestbook

GosikAug 7, 2009

Hi \:\) thank you for nice comment  on Aleja Jeziorna 1301, I really apeciate it... but I've got one question: what is CFE?

fredbrennyAug 5, 2009

Hi Gary! Thanks for your entry in my GB! Yes it's Doorwerth Castle, and perhaps with more Building CC I might give it a try someday! Our family lived there from 1963 - 1972. How cool you looked it up! Have a wonderful day and I will let you know when I will do castle building! Hugs, Frederique

fredbrennyAug 5, 2009

Gary...I am feeling really stupid \:o that I seem to have missed your promotion to SA! I want to still say: Congrats! Your lots and houses surely deserve it! \:rah\:

ZutafenAug 4, 2009

I've had a crack at both of those! They are at the top of my list to complete one day, along with Biltmore, Ardverikie and Casa Loma. I couldn't get either to the standard I wanted; the tools just aren't good enough! I too have my fingers crossed that we'll be able to have double/triple height columns in the next EP! I've got the package file for that lot, if you want to PM me an email to send it to!

ZutafenAug 4, 2009

Funny that... I've been working on a lot inspired by it over the past week. It's got so huge that I've lost interest. It'd probably be impossible to play fully furnished too. You're welcome to take a look at the unfurnished version if you like. Just say the word!

ZutafenAug 1, 2009

Hey, I've just read through the SID news letter. All very very interesting stuff \:\) Couldn't agree more with your answer to 'your favorite lot'!

LightSide93Jul 29, 2009

Hey Gary! \:D Thank you for stopping by my page, and leaving the kind comment on my lot. Its appreciated. \;\) As for the 7 stories. I didn't build any 7 stories in my lot. \:P That building you saw is called a "Rabbit Hole". We were told in the camp about them. These ' Rabbit holes" (or basically community buildings) are pre-made buildings available in the game it self. They are called that, as when a sim entres it, we don't know what happens with the sim inside it. now where to get them. Simply go to a community lot. You will find an icon with a small building with awings on it at the right corner of the panel. There you can select the building you want, like the police station, theatre, bistro etc.\;\) They are all avaliable there. Hope this helps.\:D ~Light~\:wub\:

WandaJBowenJul 23, 2009

WOW! I love your new home, will you be uploading it as well. I would love to have it.You have done a great job! I hope you have a great day and keep up the great work!\:wub\: **Wanda**

ekinegeJul 16, 2009

Congratulations on becoming SA for TS3!\:wub\:

RepulsiveDesireJul 14, 2009

Your work is amazing. Thanks so much for putting in the man hours to create these works of art and then sharing them with us all.   --Repulsive Desire

LightSide93Jul 14, 2009

That is true! \;\) I just got the wow reaction! 4 creations, and I am an SA? How come? I was questioning my self. Its funny, as I then started jumping, when it was 3 am,\:P that was a really lovely day! \:D So what are you upto?

DragonQueenJul 14, 2009

Your profile sounds almost identical to how I started in Sims!  \:D  Isn't it nice to be able to create them without having to pay for them?  \:rah\:

ayyuffJul 13, 2009

Congratulations on becoming a Select Artist \:\) Well done! Have a wonderful day!

DOTJul 13, 2009

Congratulations!  You do great work \:\)

IllianaJul 13, 2009

YAY!!!! Congrads on getting the SA promotion, Gary! \:wub\: I am SO happy for you! Love and hugs - Illiana

Micmac53Jul 12, 2009

You're welcome! \:D  Keeping doing fine work, and I'll keep complimenting you \;\) Take care!  ~ Sofi

LightSide93Jul 12, 2009

Hey Gary! \:\) Yes I guess that  I am the yongest SA,  15 years of age. \:D Also who have the least number of downloads among the other SA's. \:P I was shocked when I saw the invitation, what about you? What was your reaction?

AlyoshaJul 11, 2009

Hi there! Congratulations on making it to the Sims 3 SA Team! Well deserved promotion! Keep up the great work! \:rah\: Alyosha

SasetkaJul 11, 2009

Hi\:\) Congratulations on becoming SA\:rah\:

Vanilla SimJul 11, 2009

Hello and Congratulations on becoming and SA. \:rah\: Welcome to the SA family. Wonderful Job!! Robin \:wub\:

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