Neighbourhood Litter
I'm sure many builders have them. Lurking in the deepest darkest recesses of their neighbourhoods. I'm talking about those long forgotten, unloved, half built lots. You had such high hopes for them when you started building them. Full of enthusiasm, they were going to be the best lots anyone had ever seen, then something better came along!
Take for instance this seemingly lovely cottage:
I had it all planned out in my head. It was going to sit next to a pretty little stream with a little arched stone bridge with lots of trees and flowers and rocks, so on and so forth. The reality was I was left with a huge lump of land at one side, a pathetic little trickle of water and a bridge that looked so out of place it could have occupied a lot all by itself!
Interest gone, I started on my next project...
Nothing so complicated about this lot, it was just going to be a nice family home. It was coming along nicely when I just had a sudden lapse in concentration and poof...that was the end of that!
I managed to make a little more progress with this one. I was in frenzied build mode until I got the main structure up and then the distractions started. I found I kept coming back to this one inbetween other projects and just chipping away at it.
It's still ongoing now. Maybe it just might get finished in time for sims 4 but I wouldn't put money on it!
Finally we come to this victorian home. It's been lonely and forgotten in my neighbourhood for at least 6 months, maybe more. Whether it was the colour scheme I took a dislike to or wasn't happy with the roofline I just can't remember. I don't hate it enough to demolish it but there's something about it that puts me off finishing it!
So there you have it, the litter that's currently cluttering up my building neighbourhood. Will any of these lots ever see the light of day? Perhaps. I haven't yet flattened them so there's still hope and I'm sure it won't be long before there's a few more ready to join them.