hippiebill (635647)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (395 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Cherry Kitchen
Published Sep 22, 2007
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About Me
Time for a new profile. I've been on hiatus for the last six months. Ran out of inspiration. I've been doing this almost since the beginning. Found a few new(old) meshes that might help me get the juices flowing again...we'll see.
My Latest Updates Show All
Bon VoyageWritten Sep 30, 2007
Well, my local Wal-Mart finally got the newest EP...but, not the SP. Sorry! I can't see spending more for an EP than I did for the original game. THIS EP is $50. I only spent $40 for the original and $30 for each EP. Why is this one so much more? Oh! And they don't have ...More
Hmm?Written Sep 21, 2007
Well, I put up my last comment a week ago. Guess I wasn't missed that much. It's OK. I'm still getting downloads, that's what matters most. People enjoying what I've created. In the next few weeks I'll be putting up some things I've created this past year and haven't shared. Made an authentic Victorian house with furnishings. Some really nice things. Endtables and coffee table with doily. That... ...More
Hello!Written Sep 13, 2007
I haven't seen (heard/read) from many of you in a long time. My fault. I admit it! Been following up on my 1st passion--singing. I've become a karaoke slut. And I've found a host who caters to my penchant for doing 'kamakazi karaoke'. For those that don't know, kamakazi karaoke is where the host puts in a random song for you... hopefully one you're familiar with...but, not always. That's the... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
eviFeb 13, 2008
Hi bro We both think and love you as always!
cptnemo6Jan 21, 2008
Great work on all your creations!!
BeOSBoxBoyDec 21, 2007
С Рождеством Христовым и С наступающим Новым Годом !
Happiest of Holidays and Best of New Years! -- Яша