Policies (is this now a redundant thing - I dunno!)
Soooo, it's been like 5 years since I uploaded stuff for The Sims 3.... And I had a policy once....
You MAY upload clothing/accessories/etc items with full sims only, to any site. Telling people where you got the goodies is nice. If you want to tell me about it, please do. It makes me happy... Like proper actual smiles & warm, fuzzy happy. 😁
You MAY use things for screenshots, movies, etc, etc. And if you'd be so nice, poppet, tell people (please) where you got stuff, direct them here to my profile on TSR.
You MAY NOT redistribute my sims, houses or any clothing/accessories etc on their own, as they are. I suppose I just want my stuff staying at TSR, instead of being spread around the interwebs.
This applies to Sims 2, Sims 3 & Sims 4 creations.
I know, short and sweet. I'm not a dragon, so if you need to ask me anything PM me.
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