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irene_busy's Guestbook

Wannabee16Dec 17, 2010

Hello, have you heard anything about the uploads? Thanx

topaz27Dec 12, 2010

Hi Irene, Looks like your having a very busy weekend, do hope your keeping well and wishing a really good week ahead for you \:\) take lots of care and keep warm \;\)  hugs \:wub\:

theangeliquemonteDec 10, 2010

TYPOS! =(*Irene

theangeliquemonteDec 10, 2010

Hi Rene!Seems like you're very busy at the moment \:\( Anyway,just stopping by to let you know that set dedicated to you will be published this sunday (or on 12th december \:D),hope you'll like it \:wub\:

topaz27Dec 10, 2010

Hi Irene, Hope you have had a good week \:\) how is your weather now, our snow still has not melted and although we are going to have it a bit milder over the weekend and by that that I mean rather than below zero we will be having about 2 above zero \:D we are heading for another 'Big Freeze' next week again \:eek\: I do hope your keeping warm and I also hope you get some free time this weekend to sim \:\) I'm hoping to nothing but sim all weekend \:D lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

st3faDec 9, 2010

Buna,Irina!Multumesc pentru mesajul tau si iti urez succes in deschiderea noului site.Sunt sigur ca o sa ai mult succes cu el.Ah,era sa uit sa-ti reaspund la sunt inca in gimnaziu,abia anul viitor voi ajunge la liceu.Mult succes in continuare!Stefan

ByzantineGirlDec 8, 2010

\:rah\: Hi!!!  Firstly thank you for answering my question about meshes - it worked YAY!! \:rah\: Also I'm just dropping by a few people's GB's to say thank you so much for creating such fabulous clothes for Sims 2. \:wub\: If it wasn't for you and a few others there would be no free clothes on S2 anymore. \:wub\: So, again THANK YOU and keep your creations coming!!   Thanks Steph \:D

flody888Dec 7, 2010

Oh my gosh! NO CHEATS with two sets of triplets???? I'm happy you survived! \:D Geez, I just could NOT do that! \:eek\:

theangeliquemonteDec 7, 2010

Hi Irene!I've replied to it,its weird to see pm's getting shorter because they've always been sooooo long \:D I'm really glad you liked it \:wub\: You know,what is weird that i'm really afraid of creating not-so-awesome deication set for you,maybe because you're clothing creator aswell? \;\) But anyway...that way i'll wont let it be lame-i always care  of each outfit to look awesome..omg I havent started yet,going to start asap \:\( Have a great day aswell \:\)

st3faDec 6, 2010

Hey,Irene!Ma bucur ca-ti plac rochile de mireasa\:wub\: .Sa stii ca si eu aveam aceeasi retinere in a face rochii de mireasa,pana cand cineva mi-a cerut asta si nu a fost deloc greu\:P .Iti admir munca,meriti sa fi un artist.Stefan\;\)

flody888Dec 5, 2010

Hi again! \:D Thank you for the great comment on my screenie! \:D I don`t think I`ve ever had triplets in Sims 2. I totally think the social worker would`ve come if I had!! \:eek\: If I didn`t have cheats in Sims 3, I`m sure she would`ve come! It was almost impossible to keep everyone happy even with cheats! Have a happy! \:D

flody888Dec 5, 2010

LOL I finished yours too! \:D Thank you for your polls! \:\)

flody888Dec 5, 2010

You're welcome! \:D I'll try to get some more up in a few weeks! Please check out my list of other members with polls in the 'About Me' section. Maxi king has like 60+ polls!!!

ByzantineGirlDec 5, 2010

\:\) Hi!!!  I really want to download your creations, but basically when it comes to something even remotely to do with technology, well I'm pretty stupid. \:P For example, I want to download your recent *Dresses 10 - Party* but when I go to the Justsim2 site the dress that pops up is a long one when the ones you have created are short.  Do I download the mesh that comes up first or is it somewhere else on the site?  Sorry for bothering you, but I'm missing out on your creations which I really want. \:wub\: Hope you'll answer, Steph. \:D

topaz27Dec 5, 2010

Awwww Irene I do hope they do rerun that 3D movie, I'm sure it would fantastic to watch \:\) great to hear that your having some time to sim now \:rah\: do hope you have lots of fun \;\) I can't wait to see some new screenshots from you \:\)  and I hope your week ahead is a really good one for you \:\) do take lots of care friend \:wub\: lots and lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

theangeliquemonteDec 5, 2010

Hi Irene!I replied to it \:\) Thanks for sharing those two,I'll check them later because yestarday i downloaded so much poseboxes \:D Have a great sunday \:\)

theangeliquemonteDec 5, 2010

Hi Irene!Its me again \:D Yestarday i've foud a huuuge list of poseboxes,you may already know it but anyway: \:\)

theangeliquemonteDec 4, 2010


theangeliquemonteDec 4, 2010

Hi Irene!First of all,I replied to it \:D You're always welcome about the comments,mye and my sims totally love your creations \:wub\: And btw seems like i found your creations earlier then i was searching for fab top-when I was bored i started to read first messages in my guestbook..maybe its just my poor memory...or i was on download spree before june of this year \;\)OMG thanks so much \:wub\: I dont have alot of experience of making swimwear,in fact those are maybe first swimwears i ever made \:D Your creations are really lovely aswell \:wub\:Have an awesome weekend and happy simming \:\)

topaz27Dec 4, 2010

Hi Irene, I got your beautiful new set of dresses into my game and they are as always awesome \:wub\: all my simmies have been clothes shopping again today and are all very happy with their new gorgeous dresses \:\) I have never seen a 3D movie, but I'm sure it would be fantastic, do let me know what it's like, if you get to see one \;\) do you still have alot of snow, we still have alot of frozen snow, but it's stopped snowing now, though no sign of melting yet, Glad you like my latest pictures, all my new screenshots are of a dancing competition that some of my simmies went to while in uni, they were fun to do \:\) must try and get some Chrismas pictures done soon, well I do hope your having a lovely saturday and wishing you a lovely evening too \:\) lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:  

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