jembaby04 (986450)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (498 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Long Layers Hair Recolors
Published May 4, 2006
About Me
Thanks so much everyone for all your support of my creations. Unfortunately, I have been going through a difficult time in my life that has made it all but impossible for me to continue creating; however, I hope to be able to get started again very soon. All of your comments and thanks are greatly appreciated and I'm surprised and thrilled to see that my (very old) items are still being downloaded after all this time! I look forward to working with you again ASAP!
Now, a little about me. Well I'm the single mom of an almost-4-year-old, which basically makes me a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl by necessity. I work for a luxury homebuilder during the day, but when I return home I prefer to trade in all of that glitz and glam for the comfy cozy clean of a country home.
I love all the comfy stuff in life and that ends up coming out in my creations. Around my portfolio you will find spacious family homes, earthy wallpapers, casual clothing and object recolors. I try very hard to be realistic in my creations and to provide my sims with items that are practical, comfortable, and far from being pretentious. I hope you like what you see, and thanks so much for downloading!
My Latest Updates Show All
Moving on from TSR...Written May 17, 2006
Although I love TSR and everything that it has offered me, I have felt compelled in the last couple of weeks to branch out on my own. For the last few days I have been putting together a brand new sims site which will hopefully open within the next two weeks. I will also be looking for a couple of other people to help with site content, etc. If you are interested, please PM me here at TSR.... ...More
RL issues mean no weekend submissionsWritten May 05, 2006
For anyone who is curious, my submissions will experience a momentary lapse for this weekend due to some family issues that have come into the picture this week. Please keep my family, more specifically my younger brother, in your prayers this weekend as we work to sort everything out. I hope to resume submissions on either Sunday or Monday. I hope everyone has a good weekend. ...More
Thanks, everyone!Written May 03, 2006
I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has been leaving me such kind comments on my items. I know this surge is due in large part to the new kudos system we've got going on now... but I appreciate all of your comments and criticisms just the same. :) Please continue to leave me comments and sign my guestbook with anything you might have to say! I'm happy to hear from... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayJan 31, 2010
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing all your wonderful creations Amazing job!!
cptnemo6Jan 07, 2008
Great work on all your creations!!!
MsBarrowsMar 28, 2007
This last weekend I decided to sort out my texture downloads into directories by artist... I'd never even realised before just how many of them I had that were yours, until I kept seeing your name coming up in the texture descriptions in clean installer. And then I came and checked out your creations today - and was happy to grab a ton more of your textures and recolours. I'm especially thrilled to see the bay window wood recolours, love that window but not fond of the "Storybook" look at all, so these made my day. Thank you!