jessieyakidya (4259802)
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Just a normal lil lady looking for some sims 2 basic game stuff
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millyanaMay 04, 2012
Yay! So glad it worked! Have a great weekend! Your friend, millyana
millyanaApr 24, 2012
Oh no! They must work! Is it just houses that aren't working or other things too? Please let me help you figure it out! Are you saving the lots in your EA Games, Sims2, Downloads folder? Because my computer has a generic download folder where stuff automatically goes if I'm not careful. Find the lot in your sims 2 download folder, and if it is alread a sims2pack, which most of my recent lots are, just double left click on it and the game installer should open and then click install. Please write back if you still are having problems! Your friend, millyana
millyanaApr 16, 2012
jessieyakidya! Thanks so much for your recent comment about my California MidCentury sims2 lot. I love building with base game because it's a challenge to see if I can come up with something different, and of course everybody can download my houses. I love that! Have a great week, your friend, millyana