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klbjcbJan 27, 2011

Yep, I am hooked!!  The function that allows you to set the "days until" is worth solid gold!!!  I haven't tried the other functions too much, but I probably will.  Thanks so much for letting me know.  I need to go back to MTS2 and see if there were instructions, which I am sure there was.  I just didn't bother to wait and see.  Thanks again!!  \:\) Kathy

klbjcbJan 24, 2011

Hi Judi, I am going to try out this painting.  I tend to not play with cheats on, because it is too easy.  However, I do have a couple of families with 5 children.  It was their LTW, so I was going to give them 6 children, but I didn't make it.  \:wub\: I love the families, but it is so hard to play them.  Maybe this will make it easier??  I will let you know!!   \:\)  Thanks for sharing.  Kathy

klbjcbJan 23, 2011

Hi Judi, it was wonderful to hear from you. I have to ask about the painting that you were referring to?  What is it, and where do I get it?  I love having family sims, but all they want to do is have babies!!  I love having them too, but then my families get too big, and I get bored.  I am doing my best to only have one or two babies.  It makes life easier.  Have a joyful weekend.  \:\) Kathy

topaz27Jan 22, 2011

Hi Judi, Glad you were able to get those downloads \:\) and do call by anytime if you want any more information about sites etc, as I am a true download junkie \:D the only problem I do have sometimes is remembering where I did get some things from, as I download far too much \:P lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

topaz27Jan 21, 2011

Hi Judi, Just thought to let you know that Albert's hair is by peggy too, if you don't have it and would like it, do let me know \;\) I have used recolours for it too by Anita, which are fantastic \:\) once he finished Uni I happened to changed his hairstyle to the same one that you have used for your gorgeous Presley Page \;\) and I have created yet another new sim, 'Miles' and he now has a blonde version of Albert's peggy hair \:D \:wub\:  

topaz27Jan 21, 2011

Hi Judi, Love your upcoming set \:rah\: and your latest picture of Presley Page holding his baby son is gorgeous \:wub\: more pictures please \:\) conerning Casey's hair, it is by Peggy but it's also a recolour by Selzsims, if you don't have the link to that site, the best way I can guide you, is to go to 'http://www.spring4sims.com and then click on 'List for sim 2 sites' which is on the top right of the home page, now go down to 'S' and Selzsims is the 3rd one down, when you get to Selzsims, click on 'Hair' on top right of home page \;\) and it is the 3rd one down, once you click on it you will get the download for the recolours and also the link for the mesh \;\) I must say the blonde recolour is awesome and so is the brown recolours, they are really worth getting \:\) I don't seem to be able to get to Selzsims at the moment other than going through the link at 'Spring4sims.com' \:confused\: anyhow I'm sure you will love these in your game, do let me know if you have any trouble in finding these, and I will do my best to fix it \;\) wishing you a wonderful weekend \:\) Oh and as soon as I get some pictures taken of my latest simmies home, I'll be sure to call by and upload them for you to see \:\) Lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

klbjcbJan 14, 2011

Hi Judi!  I wanted to stop by and say hello.  I think your Elvis was gorgeous.  I had a great Christmas and New Year.  We went to my oldest son's house.  His wife is a gourmet cook for sure!  It was so good to get together.  I was off for an entire week, so I rested and did play a little sims.  How was your visit with your grandsons?  Have a joyful day!  \:\) Kathy

simsjeanieJan 12, 2011

Dear Judi, just dropping in with some coffee to go to tell you that I loved it when I read you enjoyed the pictures of the kittens! It's always the same - it warms my heart. Though they are no kittens any more they are as cute and adorable as they were when the pictures were taken. Only one, Rascal, moved. He now lives with my daughter and his new "uncle", Berlioz a handsome Russian Blue tomcat. But the other three stayed with us and fill our hearts with happiness 24 hours a day! They are always around and "helping" - nearly impossible to make the beds with them being around. We have to laugh so often! Lots of hugs from Jeanie and the Fab Five... \:wub\:

sara_ashleyJan 11, 2011

Hi Judi ! i just want to say hi and to say yours creations are just amazing and keep up the very good work \:wub\: !! also Happy New Year . I wish you peace , health and love for you and your family ! many hugs, take good care too !! Sara

topaz27Jan 8, 2011

Hi Judi, I think you have done a wonderful job on creating Presley Page, he sure does look handsome \:wub\: and I adore his name \:wub\: I agree with you about how hard it is to do the noses and lips, it is a real time consumer \:rolleyes: I use so much custom content which helps, and what I did also was download a few good looking sims, then kept alot of their 'CC' and deleted them, that way I got all the little goodies that help with the noses and lips and eyes too, as I don't where to otherwise download all these things from \:confused\: well dear friend I look forward to seeing more pictures of Presley, he really is gorgeous \:wub\: and I'm also looking forward to any new  creations from you, as they never fail to light up my game \:wub\: wishing you a wonderful and fun weekend \:\) lots of hugs \:wub\: Topaz   

drouinrJan 6, 2011

Thank you for your lovely comment. I also wanted to let you know that I love your wall sets; I think you have impeccable taste! \:rah\:

SimDetailsJan 5, 2011

The picture of your "The Grotto" painting (Sims 1, walls) is a bit small, but I think it looks beautiful and mysterious. If you someday decide to have a website or blog to show your work I'd appreciate it if you let me know.  

SimDetailsJan 4, 2011

Thank you for letting me know you like the grey check toddler dress. I hope it looks nice in your game. You work is beautiful. I read you're a painter. Do you have a website where I can admire your work? Best wishes to you and your loved ones for the new year.  

PietaEversongJan 2, 2011

Your wall sets are so beautiful! Thank you & Happy New Year! \:wub\:

luckyoyoJan 1, 2011

Hi Judi, Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2011!! \:wub\: Dee xx

topaz27Dec 31, 2010

 Dear Judi, Wishing you and all your family a wonderful New Year, may it be a good one with many blessings and special times, may God be with you and protect and provide for you all throughout 2011, may it be a healthy and happy year dear friend \:wub\:  Thanking you for your friendship and sending you lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:  

drewsolteszDec 29, 2010

~*~*~*~I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. ~Charles Dickens ~*~*~*~*~ Happy Holidays to you and yours, may a serene and peaceful season be yours!~  From ~Drew      

BBKZDec 29, 2010

Hello \:\) HUGE THANKS for so wonderful comment on my Royal Gowns Collection - part 7 - . I'm totally happy you like this set. Hope you're enjoying it in your game. Have a nice day! Barb \:\)

mensureDec 28, 2010

*** Wishing you a New Year filled with new hope, new joy and new beginnings... ***

71robert13Dec 28, 2010

Aye, Just wanted to stop by and wish you a very happy holiday season & a most excelent New Year. SKS \:cool\:

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