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jsf's Guestbook

katalinaNov 14, 2010

Hi Judi\:wub\: Thank you for the birthday wishes and yes it was great, I was on a cruise during my b-day and on vacation. No I wasn't on the Carnival cruise that got stranded, I was in the Atlantic ocean going to the Bahamas lol.  It was really strange to hear about that right after I got back from vacation.  I see you are still making your beautiful wallpapers and miss them very much. Nobody is doing anything similar to yours for TS3 especially the crown moldings.  I just submitted a community lot called Victorian shoppes for TS3 and thought about how I wished I had your walls to decorate with.  You know I have been really missing TS2. All my downloads, easier to build and play. I realized just how much when I got the new TS3 expansion Late Night if you can believe that. It is'nt as great compared to Nightlife and I guess I got my hopes up. I'm tired of being somewhat restricted in TS3, I hate the rabbit holes. Oh well, I still have TS2 on my pc and one of these days I am going to plop the disk in and make something wonderful for my friends on the other side.  Hope all is well with you and pm me anytime ((HUGS))\:wub\:

altannaNov 14, 2010

Hi there. I simply love the fact that you create so much in blue -- I am a blue fiend. :-) I was hoping though, in a not blue frame, that I might ask if you were going to make any more walls and floors for Cashcrafts Vanity Faire sets. I did find some in a lovely red, but there are other colors and they would look so much more beautiful with your lovely creations behind them. I hope you will consider this -- and thank you so much for all your hard work. It is truely appreciated. Deb

klbjcbNov 14, 2010

Hi Judi, thank you so much for taking the time to tell me about your inspirations for the mouldings.  I love architecture.  I take pictures of buildings all the time, and I could be fascinated with a line of fencing for minutes at a time.  We took a once in a lifetime trip to Paris last year, and I was in heaven.  It was of course fun to be there, but I couldn't get enough of the buildings.  Wow.  There isn't that type of architecture here in New Mexico.  I have been busy with work, so I have not gotten to the Mulberry papers.  I finally get to rest this weekend, so I intend on playing.  I will see what I can come up with and will share with you on your forum.  Have a joyful weekend.  \:\)  Kathy

topaz27Nov 14, 2010

Hi Judi, Thank you for calling by \:wub\: I'm so happy that you have added carpets to a lot of your sets, as it is wonderful to go into the game and be able to decorate straight away, with such beautiful matching items \:wub\: I downloaded your wonderful Beige set yesterday and they look absolutely stunning, and I really am so excited about all those awesome white panelled sets that are upcoming \:rah\: I see from what everyone is writing here, that your very much loved and appreciated, and that's how it should be, I think your awesome and all us TS2 players are so happy and proud that your still creating for TS2, the best sim game of all \;\) love you lots Judi \:wub\: sending you lots of thank you hugs \:\) Topaz \:wub\:

hiedibear75Nov 11, 2010

That's really neat that you got to have the Artist Focus! \:rah\:  You certainly do desrve to be in the spotlight. \:cool\:  Take care. \:wub\:

lmc69101Nov 9, 2010

Thank you so much for the wonderful comment on my little boys set. \:\)

hiedibear75Nov 4, 2010

Hi Judi. \:wub\:  Yup....STILL around . \:D   I'm looking forward to the next set.....if I'm not mistaken they're purple-y? \:\)  The coining you use is always supurb! \:rah\:  I always love your walls! \:wub\:  I've been staying out of trouble.....boring as that may be. \:ph34r\: LOL :P  I'm glad you're still creating. \:rah\:  I do still love this TS2 game & I'm VERY happy that one of my favorite wall creators is STILL " IN ACTION ". \:wub\: \:rah\: \:cool\: \:rah\: \:wub\:  I hope you're doing AOK aswell. \:\)  Take care. \:wub\: \:\) \:wub\:

klbjcbNov 3, 2010

Hi Judi.  I am glad to hear you are adding carpets to your walls.  Taking the colors straight from the carpeting, or vice versa, will be so great.  Easy decorating, so I can play some more.  I am so thankful that you are still with Sims 2. ( Very thankful)  Have a joyful day.  \:\) Kathy

BBKZNov 2, 2010

Hey, Judi \:\) Thank you for taking time and commenting my creations. I'm glad you like them. Enjoy and happy simming \:\) Barb

topaz27Oct 31, 2010

Happy Halloween to you too Judi \:wub\: and it's I who thank you for making my game so much more enjoyable, I absolutely love your creations so much, and truly appreciate all the time and hard work that you put into them, and believe me all that hard work shows in each and everyone of your beautiful creations, your work is really awesome and loved by so many people \:wub\: your a very gifted and wonderful person Judi, thank you from the very bottom of my heart for all your kindness \:wub\: lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:  

cashcraftOct 27, 2010

Hi Judi, thanks for your lovely comments on the Kentworth creations! You're the best!\:wub\:I hope you had a lovely vacation! I really miss our collaborative works, but I'm near the end of college--just 3 more classes! I should have plenty of time to create for TS2 and TS3! Take Care and Hugs! Carolyn \:wub\: \:D

71robert13Oct 21, 2010

Aye Judy, It's great to hear from you again. I hope your doing well. Thanks so much for commenting on my: Grand gerberas, But I can't really take credit for them as they were creaed by EA Games & made available through the Mansion & Garden Stuff pack. I just re-created them so they would be compatible with the base game. SKS

meo0oowOct 19, 2010

Beautiful stuff..thank you so much for sharing \:\)

topaz27Oct 8, 2010

Hi Judi, It was so lovely to hear from you \:wub\: I am enjoying your new set of walls very much, they do look so beautiful in the game as always, and I would be so lost without your awesome creations, they are what makes my simmies homes look so lovely \:\) I do wish you a wonderful and happy weekend dear friend and thank you for sharing all your amazing creations with us here at TSR \:wub\: TC, lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

micamarianiOct 5, 2010

You're welcome... love your creations!!!

klbjcbOct 3, 2010

Hi Judi.  I hope you got to visit your grand son! If you have a minute look through my screenshots and you'll see someone special to me!! \:D  Kathy

alandperrineOct 2, 2010

Hey Judi, Yeah Sims 3 is a pain... Plain and simple. I actually have all the exps packs and stuff packs- because Ambitions looked very tempting- So I had given it another go. And I had problems with it, I called EA and they basically told me it was my CC that I had and so I had uninstalled and reinstalled and only played with EA content and as far as glitches and bugs went most were gone. The game, in my experience is too "sensitive". BUT what did remain is the LOUSY "movement" for example if u just tap your mouse to the left or right it zooms all the way over. And when scrolling around you wind up, up and down and all over the place. Like being on a boat. LOL I'm in the same boat as far as Sims 2. I've bought all the "books" on all the exps and skim through them every now and then and find out new things I never even knew and while playing, as well, find and see new things I didn't even know about. Especially now when I'm basically playing the game as EA intended- no hacks and basically all EA stuff. The only hacks I have is that all NPC are back in the phone book, faster homework (cause the amount of time it takes a teen to do homework is ridiculous), Desk locator, community lot skilling, and use inaccessible beds (which comes in very useful when you have a double bed but the room is too small so one side has to be against the wall but yet 2 people can still get in it). That may seem like a lot of hacks, but compared to what I had it's nothing- LOL As for posting some pics to your site I will try again one of these days. I tried a while ago and couldn't figure something out. I forget what it was. But I will try again. Right now I didn't really make any houses I'm playing the Pleasents and that's where they live so far. Well Lilith and her parents. Angela's in the college bin waiting to mave into a dorm. I'm mostly using Maxis recolors as well, except there were some objects of Cashcrafts I had to have in my game and some objects from sims2fashionbarn or something like that- Charmed themed. Well I'm gonna go play my game. I can't wait to see the panels you come up with!

topaz27Oct 2, 2010

Hi Judi, I would like to thank you for leaving such a lovely comment on my screenshot 'Talking to EA' you really cheered me up this morning when I read what you wrote, and I thank you for your support in loving our awesome simmies 2 \:wub\: they are so adorable, thanks also for your latest wallpaper \:wub\:  I am looking forward to getting into my game today and doing alittle more decorating \:\) wishing you a lovely weekend dear friend \:wub\: lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

topaz27Sep 26, 2010

Hi Judi, Do hope your keeping well and had a wonderful vacation with your family, I have just returned from visiting mine and am now enjoying all your gorgeous new wallpapers, I also love your upcoming Autumn set \:wub\: wishing you a wonderful week and sending you lots of hugs \:\) Topaz \:wub\:

NouvelleLunaSep 19, 2010

Your walls are so amazing....I just adore them!! Even in a boring room, your walls would make it look like a incredible room\:wub\:

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