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jsf's Guestbook

karubinJan 18, 2010

Hi! Thanks for your lovely comment on my "Showertub Curtain Dark Recolor Set". Because I'm a fan of the wallpaper that has your wonderful sense, I am very very glad. \:ph34r\: I want to make recolors of curtain and towel set  though it doesn't understand whether to make it to your hope\;\) I wish you to become nice year for you though slow\;\)

topaz27Jan 17, 2010

Hi Judi \:\) I have downloaded your awesome 'DenimBookcases' and they look just too wonderful in my game, they are simply gorgeous, I love them way too much \:rah\: thank you so much for these, I just love the white panel bookcase look \:wub\: I do hope so much that you will do some more of these as they are so beautiful, do hope your having a nice weekend and I wish you a wonderful week too Judi \:\) take care, hugs Topaz \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jan 14, 2010

Hi Judi. \:wub\:  I'm honored that you'd even call me a wall- artist . \:eek\:  \:cool\:  I've just found something fun to dabble in (thanks to Lisa) & I've gotten lucky that other people seem to like the same things I made for my liking. \:rah\:  I haven't quite figured out the mroe advanced stuff yet. \;\)  Your walls are always so wonderful! \:wub\:  And I use your walls for more than just Victorian stuff.....they get used by a lot of my more well-off Sims. \:D  Hope you had a wonderful Christmas & a happy healthy new year. \:wub\:

CyclonesueJan 14, 2010

Hello Judi - and Happy new Year to you! \:wub\:  That Bridge House is rather an embarrassment now.  It was the lot that 'won' me my FA status, but I barely knew what I was doing.  Not only is it too small to be of any use, it contained creations, including former FA Buntah's work, for which I never asked permission.  I honestly didn't know we had to do that! \:o I soon learned!!! \:D \:wub\:

squeakersJan 12, 2010

\:wub\: Hi Judi! Your message in my GB really cheered me up, and made me feel better!!!!\:D Wish I could see those icicles, they sound so impressive, and very cold!!!!!I don't know about you, but I can't wait for spring, and the lovely sun and color or flowers and all that will soon be here!!!!\:D I'm so happy you enjoyed my screenshots, I need to do some more, I haven't done any in awhile, and have been missing it. My only problem is trying to find all the lovely downloads I had, it will take time, and this time, I will back up everything, so if my pc crashes again, I won't be in the same boat again!\;\) I'm enjoying the recent walls and set you did with Cashcraft, you two make an awesome and wonderful team, and I just adore your work!!!! Everything looks so wonderful and beautiful in my game, again, a million thanks, for everything!!!!\:D TC, and I hope you have a great day!!!!!\:wub\:

cashcraftJan 11, 2010

Hi Judi! You're welcome and  thanks for your wonderful comment and collaboration on the Nautical collection. I really enjoyed working with you and I can't wait for our next project! Carolyn  \:wub\:

squeakersJan 11, 2010

\:wub\: Hi Judi! I hope your new year is going great, I can see you have been busy, I cannot wait to get my grubby little paws on your denim bookcases!!!! I started drooling when I saw them, I have been hoping for something like that, and now cannot wait til the 17th so that I can grab them!!!!\:D Sorry I haven't been on, I've been in so much pain, it makes me literally sick to my stomach, so that I spend alot of time lying down, or with my trusty bucket, my Dr won't listen to me, so I'm trying to find a new one. I'm on disability, and there aren't very many good Dr's around my area, that will take new medicare paitients, and on top of that, he also took away my nausea meds, so I'm trying new stuff to fight that. He said he stopped it cause he heard that it would make ppl with RLS symptoms worse. I don't mean to complain, it just gets to me sometimes.\;\) When I can be on my pc, I have a ball, I absolutely adore your style, and use of colors and textures, I always use your walls and floors in my lots! When I'm up to it, I will send some pics so you can see my decorating style, I just hope I don't dissapoint you! LOL I look forward each time I'm online to see if you have any new stuff coming out, I just saw the new walls you did for Carolyn, OMG!!!! That set is too cute, and I'm going to grab it as soon as I'm done here, I just built a lot with 4 and 5 bedrooms, and that set will be perfect for one of the rooms!!!!!!!!(Doing happy happy joy joy dance!!!!) The walls you did are gorgeous!!!!\:D \:rah\: TC, and I hope you have a great day!!!! Big hugs,\:wub\:

topaz27Jan 10, 2010

Hi Judi, I have just saw your new set of 'DenimBookcases', Wow, I am so happy and excited about these, I love them so much, I will be downloading these a soon as they are available on the 17th Jan \:rah\: thank you so much for creating these, I do hope you will do more as well because they are absolutely awesome, I have always wanted white bookcases so much, Wow your wonderful \:wub\: a huge thank you from me \:\) hugs Topaz \:wub\:

klbjcbJan 10, 2010

Hi Judy, I am so glad that you are sticking with the Sims 2!  I love your walls!!  I am having so much fun with my granddaughter. She is such a blessing in my life, and I am so thankful that she lives so close to me.  Have a joyful day! Kathy

topaz27Jan 8, 2010

Hi Judi, I just wanted to call by and say hi \:\) I am enjoying all of your new walls in my game so much \:wub\: I do hope you have had a good first week of the new year \;\) and I hope you have a lovely weekend, lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:  

dgandyJan 7, 2010

Hi Judy! Thank you for the nice comment on my TS2 wrought iron beds. \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Jan 5, 2010

you never know \;\) ..I had this problem a lot too...and I'm sure it was the hedge, but it was definately something I was placing outside...it's been such a long time since I played sims2 \:\), i try to remember \:\)

Peachybitz1Jan 4, 2010

Hi Judy, I spotted your question on the forums about your lots..do you have windkeepers plastic hedge on those lots?

ianbradley26Jan 1, 2010

Awesome that you were in the Chicago area again! I'll have to tackle another project sometime soon, because I added a floor to that home and may update later with a new designer journal. When I finish up on a home, that's usually when I get bored and move onto the next one, though. I could try the Lakeview apartments, or finally upload another apartment I lived at. Would be cool if I could actually get these uploaded to share them. \:\( Happy New Year.

dgandyDec 31, 2009

Awww! It sounds like you had a fantastic, blessed Christmas. Happy New Years Judy! \:rah\:

QuengelDec 31, 2009

Hi there \:\) I was by my family. I love it to be together with my family (my mum and brother; father doesn't live anymore since already over 30 years and my sister is an 6 hour drive away... my mum and brother are a 3 hour drive away) \:\)! Thanks for your lovely wishes, too \:\) \:wub\:

71robert13Dec 31, 2009

Aye, Judy. Thanks so much for commenting on my: Christmas Garland with Bows for Double Doors . I hope you had a lovely Christmas & my very best wishes to you for the new year.

topaz27Dec 30, 2009

Hi Judi, I am so glad that you had a lovely christmas with your family, and it's always so good to hear from you \:\) Wishing you a wonderful, peaceful and very happy new year, may it be filled with good health and many good and special times for you and all your family   \:wub\: hugs Topaz \:wub\:  

irene_busyDec 30, 2009

Hi! I wish an awsome NEW YEAR and may 2010 be a wonderful year to all of us \:\)

dltn43Dec 25, 2009

Good Morning Judi,  I hope that you and your family have a Joyus and Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year both filled with peace, health and love!!  \:\)  \:wub\:  Diana

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