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julianafraga29's Guestbook

karinalangkjerFeb 25, 2011

Oi, Ju! \:\) Obrigada pelo seu comentário no meu monoquini! \:D Eu levei uma semana para fazê-lo e, pelo visto, o esforço valeu a pena! \:D Eu estou muuuito feliz porque é meu 1º projeto do TSRW! \:wub\: Tenha um lindo final de semana! \;\)

Icia23Feb 25, 2011

Hi Juliana! Thanks sweety for your lovely comment \;\) I love your clothes \:wub\: we are a little close and i don't know anything of portuguese lol! Hopes everything it's ok \;\) Take care and greetings from Chile  \:wub\:

karinalangkjerFeb 25, 2011

Oi Juliana, tudo bem? \:\) Eu vi seus trabalhos e eles são fantásticos! \:D Parabéns mesmo! \;\) Eu tenho uma dúvida também: eu vejo todos com banner e eu tento colocar o meu, mas não consigo! \:\( Paguei 3.000 Kudos e está lá para que eu use a qualquer hora. :x O estranho é que diz que não cabe no que pedem, sendo que eu coloquei no tamanho e formato ideal. Voce poderia me ajudar? \:\) Muito obrigada e é muuuito legal ter mais uma brasileira talentosa no TSR! \:D

elterlouwFeb 24, 2011

\:D Hi my dear !! \:rah\: Lovely to see you here !! \:wub\:

sara_ashleyFeb 24, 2011

Boa tarde Juliana : ) yeah now it is the morning to me \:D and thank you for your kind compliment too and about your banner obrigada for your answer and thank you for the link too (I think that it was you \;\) ) and I have a question if it is not too personal but the couple you use on your banner, they are someone you know ? or maybe it is you ?? because if it is you, i really like the color of your hair \;\) \:D  and for answer at your question : I try to learn some Spanish and some Portuguese from you too  \:D !!! grande abraço minha amiga \:wub\:

sara_ashleyFeb 24, 2011

And I have a question about your banner how do you make that ?? And the butterflies too?? because I really like your banner so much \:wub\: !!! Obrigada e Abraços, Sara

sara_ashleyFeb 24, 2011

Olà Juliana, how are you??! I would like to say Obrigada to say I’m right \:D and you are very welcome because I love learn news languages and I think that Portuguese is nice to learn and you can learn me some words on Portuguese, I will glad to learn more in Portuguese and you are kind too and nice to meet you too my friend \:wub\: also love your banner \:wub\: !! Abraços, Sara

sara_ashleyFeb 22, 2011

Olà Juliana, sorry the reply late \;\) \:\( but to anwer for your little question is :  I think so the difference between Obrigada and Obrigado is for Obrigada is for a girl and Obrigado is for a boy \:D  (please tell me if i'm right or wrong \:\)) by the way i wish you a great day \:\) !! abraços, Sara

ernhnFeb 21, 2011

You are so talented I love your creations ! \:rah\: Take Care !

AyuFeb 20, 2011

oh, i see!it must be hard!studying alone is hard, now with works too!yikes!hope you'll find time for our beloved sims!hee~

AyuFeb 20, 2011

Yeah?seems like everyone are busy \:\(are you working??i hope you'll have an awesome weekend too!! *hugss

sara_ashleyFeb 19, 2011

Olà Juliana, yours creations and yours screenshots are just amazing \:D !!! obrigada \:D (sorry for my poor portuguese \;\) anyway have a great weekend !!! abraços, Sara \:wub\:

AyuFeb 19, 2011


caiothesimsFeb 12, 2011

continua de olho  haha eu te amo neguinha Rum

SIMcredible!Feb 11, 2011

Olá, Juliana \:\) Sem problemas! Não há o que se desculpar! O que importa é que você aprecia nossas criações \:D Obrigada mais uma vez por suas palavras e tenha um lindo final de semana!! \:cool\:

rmm1182sims3Feb 10, 2011

Saudades Juh!

AyuFeb 9, 2011

same here, i dont play much~im still studying, so you know lots of assignments, presentation aand research!so i really have lots of things to do but if i cant take it any longer, i'll release my stress by playing the sims!hehehe~

caiothesimsFeb 9, 2011

passei aqui pra dizer que te amo G.G

AyuFeb 9, 2011

haha, im bored even when i got lots of things to do..i wish i could just play the sims 3 all day!hee~

rmm1182sims3Feb 9, 2011

Estamos sendo elogiadas! uhuuu! Grande passo. =)

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