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justtschibi's Guestbook

ulkerDec 10, 2007

Oh I always love being part of great plans\:ph34r\: I'll do anything I can do\:wub\: Hugs..

simsperson098Dec 8, 2007

Hey Can you help i'm new to this so i was wondering if you could help me understand the whole mesh thing and how to make sure they come up ... and also how to create them ... please and thank you... i would really like to know how... \:D \:o \:\)

dawanflowerDec 7, 2007

Hello tschibi\:\) Your welcome. I love your creations. Have a nice day!\:wub\: \:rah\:

ulkerDec 6, 2007

Tschib you really liked the hair? Yayyy\:wub\: Thank you \:wub\: I just saw your upcoming set and amazed one more time. I always imagine you in real life wearing such cute clothes \:o \:D Kisses\:wub\:

cariadbachDec 5, 2007

\:\) Thanks for having a look at my Help screen shot, glad you enjoyed\:D

frogger1617Dec 5, 2007

\:D Thank you, I am glad you like what I did with your meshes. BTW great minisite, I remember how excited I was when I got mine.\:D

karolina-kulikDec 4, 2007

Hi! You're welcome \:D I enjoy your stuff very much. Have a nice evening \;\)

AtracaoDec 4, 2007

Hey Süße, lieben Dank für deinen Eintrag. \:wub\: Naja mit deinen super Files hast du diese Minipage auch wirklich verdient. Hab deine meshes gesehen und ich bewundere das wirklich. Ich brauch eigentlich nur ein bissl Platz wo ich meinen Content raufstellen kann und finds optimal hier wenn man nur ab und zu mal was bastelt, ist so ohne "Zwang" ^^. Das rot ist fantastisch!\:\) \:\) \:\)

TantraDec 4, 2007

tschib\:wub\:, thank you my dear for such a sweet congrats\:wub\: Your words just made my blushing\:o Could not resist to repeat one more time that I love your creations, and it's so great you like and use mine! Thanks again, hugs\:wub\:\:wub\:

qvisnDec 3, 2007

I saw a comment somewhere about the way people spoke to you on your site, How Horrid, it makes me angry when you provide us here with nice things, we appreciate you loads, keep happy, \:D \:wub\:

simangel234Dec 2, 2007

Thank You So Much For Your Comment On My "Protecting You From Pain" Picture! I Really Appreciate It! Take Care!\:\) ~Celeste

ulkerDec 2, 2007

Tschib your minisite is soo sweet! I knew you make cool stuff but now they look even better on your mini site\:wub\: Hugs\:wub\:

cariadbachDec 2, 2007

\:\) Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on Santa's Headache, glad you enjoyed. May this Christmas bring you happiness and all you wish for\:D

TantraDec 2, 2007

First of all congrats on your minisite, tschib, looks really nice!\:rah\: And replying your message: I think I can stand you on that, it must be really bothersome to keep an own site\:wacko\: I'm so glad you came here, it's a really good place due to great people, too, as you've said\:\) Hope now you'll have more time for creating, I'm looking forward to see with what you'll come next\:wub\: Wish you a great time and Merry pre-Christmas preparations, too\:wub\: Take care, sweetie\:wub\:

SiluettaDec 2, 2007

Oh, congratulations to your new minisite!!! \:rah\: I know you would get there. All of your beautiful creations are great presented, the way they deserve it. \:wub\:

AtracaoDec 2, 2007

Hey tschibi-honey \:D ...thank you so much for your message. Yes, your right, i'm sway \;\). I'm now here 'cause i've got no more place for files on freenet and i've got already 3 accounts and i'm worry about to handle it. So i'm going to close my site \:\( *hehe* i'm so happy that your here, too \:\) (kann man hier eigentl. auch deutsch schreiben?..hab ein bissl Angst deswegen weil ich schon mal bei Mts2 unangenehm aufgefallen bin)...i'll quickly bookmark you my little tschibi *hugs*\:wub\:

shakeshaftDec 2, 2007

Hi, just want to say thanks for your comment on my Grecian Courtyard, glad you like it. Happy Simming!! Andrea \:D

pretty_babyDec 2, 2007

Hello!!! Its really nothing because i love your work!! The mesh looks sooo cool and yeah \:D umm whatevers easiest i guess..Ill give the alpha ago in the next few days and if i have any trouble ill get onto you!! btw i love love love your nightmare before christmas set too. I LOVE JACK!!!\:rah\:

MMs_Fan_01Nov 30, 2007

Thank you for signing my GB, its no problem at all to comment on such talented artists creations. I hope you do keep on creating. Have a nice weekend! \:wub\:

ulkerNov 30, 2007

Hallo Engelchen\:wub\: I'm not only happy because I have a sweetheart like you but such a talented creator thinks I deserve the title. You know you truly deserve it too, it's just a matter of time. Hugs\:wub\:

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