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Created for: The Sims 3
I going to finally release this. It's not perfect, to make this perfect I need perfect skill, that I not have.
This is a accessory for both male and female (Earrings).
Available for the following ages:
Young adult
It has 3 possible spots to change colors:
1. Background (White)
2. Spots (Brown)
3. Inside ears (Pink)
Spots not possible to change colors:
1. Eyes
2. Horns
3. Nose/Mouth
Sorry I could not make this better and available for multiple ages. I could be available for multiple ages but my milkshape trail ran out.
There is still one more step to finish this and the step is to make a big family with cow heads :D
P.S: Your sim need to be bald or have very short hair since this is a accessory and not a hat.
Polygon Counts:
Same as the TS2 one:
Vertices: 434
Triangles: 592
Additional Credits:
EA/Maxsis for the original model and textures.
Every single one who have helped and supported me during the "development" of this.. cow: http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?p=3067646
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/961533
ItemID: 961533
Filesize: 1 MB
Please do not re-upload
Credits: EA/Maxis
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