katie4424 (1262766)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (86 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Happy Bunny T-Shirt (8/24)
Published Sep 7, 2006
About Me
I am currently in the Ninth grade.
Hobbies: Sims 2, making objects for Sims 2, drawing, creating graphics, arts & crafts, avoiding homework (like now for an example xD), swimming, playing with my 9 pets (2 chihuahuas, 4 cats, 3 guinea pigs), hanging with my sister separated at birth (errr...I mean best friend), and DDR!!! *AS OF 1/7/06* I'm working on making sets of the diving boards, ladders, and happy bunny shirts, as many of you have requested. I'm sorry for not thinking of this when I uploaded them. I know downloading each of the objects is time consuming. I will add the sets as soon as possible! Thanks!
My Guestbook Show All
WickedMayesJuggaletteNov 13, 2009
Thank you for all those pool recolors! Is there anyway to download them in one big file??
charrayJan 31, 2009
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your wonderful creations You did a fantastic job on them
FroggirlJun 09, 2007
Hey Katie. I understand the being busy thing!!! If you do make them for adults, could you let me know cuz I would get them...and thanx for getting back to me about it.