katyuwka_angel (2579694)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Maaka Karin v.1
Published Jun 26, 2013
About Me
I love many things. Am quite a random person. Currently am writing a book and one of my Sims stories is loosely based on it. ^_^ I would like to make some CC as i have so many ideas, problem is, whenever i start i realise how time consuming the prefection of items shall be and i leave it lol - everytime and then am off doing something completely different - like writing a sims story which i will be uploading bit by bit very soon. Its a unique story and i want to make it twisted, but problem is - since this is PG it can never be as gory, dark and tragic as it is in my actual mini book. So i decided to make it a Fairy Tale version. Just with less happy endings.
My Latest Updates Show All
Meteor hit my house!Written Jun 01, 2012
Gigantic spacerock just wiped my whole front yard as well as my car, 4 statues and a few trees. My sim was lucky enough it only made him catch fire and he was soon extinguished... But i will never forget the exploding car, my house on fire and a huge boulder lying in what used to me a flower bed. My kitchen appliances were on fire as kitchen was overlooking the garden. The stove sorta... ...More
Behind those eyes.Written May 30, 2012
Eh, today decided i should really upload my sims stories. For one, i should start by tell a story about the little Claudia and her older brother. I think it would be a great little story to share. Story begins when she's a child and will show her growing up into a young lady. Her brother and her will often more around/ travel for their own safety. Also now and then there will be... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ShaloumpJan 28, 2013
Hi! I've been wanting to download the Moka Akashiyas you have created, but I tried to go to the hair link and it never works. Do you know why at all? I really like the hairstyle too :'c
melisa inciJun 09, 2012
hi!thank you very much for your comment on lace coctail dress have a nice day
altea127May 26, 2012
Hi tahnk you so much for your comments