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kbradley03's Blog

Free lots - I've got'em!

Hey guys! Many of you write to me requesting free lots. I've got so many lots you may have overlooked the fact that 43 of them are free - they're some of my favorite, too!

Also, if you haven't looked in to the "Kudos" system here at The Sims Resource, I suggest that you do! That's how i got all the subscription-only content that I wanted before I became a FA. All you have to do is support this awesome site - seriously, that's it! Participate in the communitiy - you get Kudos for doing that. Build lots or create other custom content and then submit it to The Sims Resource. The more people who download your content, the more Kudos you get. Once you have enough Kudos you can purchase a free subscription day with those Kudos - you heard me - A FREE SUBSCRIPTION DAY! 24 glorious hours to get your mits on all the subscription-only content your little heart could desire.


Hope y'all are having a great summer, so far. Adios!


Hey guys - most of the messages I get are from people wondering how to make an attached garage. I have three tutorials on Youtube under my screen name KBradley03 (just search and you'll find me). One is a video of the old method I used, and two are detailed slideshows. One shows you how to make simple attached garages (a SUPER easy method, the one I use now) and the other shows you how to make attached garages that are on the side of a house, instead of in the front (a little more advanced). In addition to those, I also have a few other tutorials for other building techniques that are easy to follow (attics, dormer windows, sloped driveways, etc).

Just send me a private message if you want the links, or search for them yourself. Also, if you have any questions just shoot me a message and I'll get back to you ASAP!

Hope they help! I look forward to seeing awesome lots from all of you! :D

Computer Problem Will Keep Me Away For a While...

I wrote about it here: http://forums.thesimsresource.com/showthread.php?t=377251

I can't play Sims 'til this is fixed...but I'll be back ASAP. Pissed that I can't play WA! I just got it a day ago! ARG!

I'll be back in a week or 2!

Hey everyone! If you were wondering where I've been, I'm actually in the middle of a move! We'll be in the new place by the 1st of Oct. After I get the internet all set up and such, I'll be back in action.

Have a great week!


Celebrity Sims! Ooo exciting.

Never thought I'd be a Sim submitter...but I'm having too much fun making celebrities and models. I really like the intricate details Sims3 lets you create. So far, this is what I have (and a few will be published in a day or two).

- models!

- Bella Swan

- Edward Cullen

- Nelly Furtado (by request)

- Kim Kardashian (or Princess Jasmine...they're nearly identical. Just put her in a princess dress, haha).



If you have any requests, send me photos (b/c lots of celebs have different styles...I need to know what style you want). Woohoo!


Where do you get your motivation? - Lots of places! TV, real homes I see, and houseplan websites. One second I wont even be thinking about designing a Sim home, then I'll see something that sparks the flame and I'll get to building!

Do you take requests? - I don't see why not...as long as it's reasonable, and you're able to give me as many photos as possible. Just send me a msg and keep in mind the limitations of building in Sims3.

How do you make your screenshots? - I designed a specific preset for my sims screenshots in Photoshop (CS4). I also add text. If you want to try PS, I believe they have demo's available to download and try. It's worth the $ though! 

What type of computer do you play Sims3 on? - I play Sims3 on either a HP Blackbird 002 or a Gateway FX laptop.

How do you make the attached garage? - I made a tutorial, and it is in the Build A Lot forum. Just search for "attached garage tutorial."

How long does it take you to build a home? - Usually 1-2 hours. The bigger ones take a smidge longer.

Why do you leave the bedrooms unfurnished? - I furnish and landscape the entire house...except for bedrooms because I don't know what sort of family you'll be moving into the house. By leaving the bedrooms unfurnished, you're able to customize them to fit your Sim family perfectly.

How often do you submit? - I try to get at least 2 homes per week submitted...but some weeks I am only able to submit 1.

Do you still make Sims2 homes? - Not really...but I do have many available to download!




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Free lots - I've got'em! TUTORIALS! TUTORIALS! TUTORIALS! Computer Problem Will Keep Me... I'll be back in a week or 2! Celebrity Sims! Ooo exciting. FAQ's
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