kezsridg (1896267)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Sahar Cottage
Published Nov 28, 2008
About Me
I love history and learning about different cultures and people. Non-periphery countries or "third world" is my specialty. I have been married for three years and have two beautiful children, Salahudeen and Sahar. Diversity surrounds me and my family is a rainbow so I respond well to open minded observations and intelligence, not ignorance. One of my favorite quotes: "I'm allergic to prejudiced people, they make me sneeze."
Salaam, Shalom, Peace
My Guestbook Show All
drewsolteszFeb 26, 2009
Thanks so much for reading and commenting on my story "The
Horsemaster", I have a new story posted, "The Gambler' hope you can
read and comment!!
ZumariaJan 23, 2009
I have just discovered your Tabalfi stories, and they are wonderful!! I just sat here and read all 5 chapters!!The character development, the time passage, the costumes, and the scenery were absolutely amazing!! Keep up the good work, and I will continue reading the story in the legacy series. Well done!
fionaivriJan 22, 2009
Cool, I was just wondering! Well I'm in Ireland now but I do know that there is different spellings for it eg. Zafed, Safaat, Safat and Safed! Cool Story!