kitkay919 (3097827)
About Me
Hellow :3
I'm Julia, and I WANT to know how to make stuff and all, but for now, I'm just a downloader. I live in Massachusetts/USA/North America/Earth Just to make it clear. If you see me, I usually have a big nerdy smile on my face and I'll be fooling around complety with freinds or family. I have 4 cats: Dumby, Dingbat, Tinky Winky, and Gastank. They are all scottish folds. My hair is short and brown, and I am DESPRATLEY trying to grow it out. My favorite food is a Sno Cone, favorite color is Aqua, and I love tutus and other crazy things. I love drawing also, I have a scrapbook I fill with my animations, quotes, portraits, and sketches. And my favorite band is ALl time low, my favorite singer is Katy Perry, and my favortie rapper is Kanye West. I hope you liked stalking me!