lexx (4489585)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (12 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Coastal Bliss
Published Aug 8, 2014
About Me
I'm lexx. I like the simple kind of lifestyle.
To keep up with what I'm working on, creation previews, make requests, and other Sims stuff, feel free to follow me on tumblr!
My Latest Updates Show All
Follow me on Tumblr!Written Jul 21, 2014
Hey everyone! I have decided to make a Tumblr, or simblr! I will be posting works in progress, special gifts that won't be put up on TSR, stuff I like, and other updates about what I'm up to in Sims 3! Did I mention I will take your requests for homes and sims?! Keep me working. Give me some ideas on what you want to see! sims3lexx.tumblr.com I hope to see you all on Tumblr, and again,... ...More
Spring CleaningWritten Apr 21, 2014
I have been working on many new creations to share but I have been frustrated with my game crowded with a lot of unnecessary content causing the game to run very slowly. This has been a huge set back in the motivation to build houses, sims, etc. That being said, I will soon be back at it as I have been going through a major game cleaning. I have been trying to lineup a variety of content to... ...More
Thank you - again!Written Jan 19, 2014
I have been overwhelmingly thankful for all of the recent comments on my creations. It means so much to me that you all take the time to show your liking of one of my creations, so it's important that I at least take the time to say thank you. I would thank you all individually, I wish I could, but there's just too much of you to write a lengthy sentiment of my thanks. So, here is my attempt... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
fahimeDec 26, 2014
Hi dear Lexx ( ◠‿◠ ) I wish you a very Merry Christmas surrounded by love and fondness ☆ May you have a blessed New Year full of health and beautiful moments. Hugs \:wub\:
SteveBJul 11, 2014
One of your creations has been featured in today's Weekly Review Video of TSR creations.
You can view it on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel now. Share away... and congratulations!
TakdisMay 05, 2013
Hello. Thank you so much for your amazing comment on Passion Villa. See you.