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lirunchik's Guestbook

Shann116Oct 18, 2008

Hi! Marina\:\) Thank you! for leaving me that fine comment\:wub\: and Thank you! for your nice objects\:wub\: now i have more options to make better lots\:\) Their already 2 more lots coming up with your objects and that from some outer creators. Dr30 is coming out 2day, and Dr31 is pending... I hope you like tham to\:\) Hugs, Monigue

ayyuffOct 16, 2008

Hello Marina!Your compliments always make me happy \:\) and many thanks for feedback on 70's Wallpapers \:\) ..hope you like them in game \:wub\: Have wonderful day!

Hannah GOct 15, 2008

You welcome\:\) . Just keep making these beautiful things, they are perfect for my game\:wub\:

olcia_olivineaOct 15, 2008

Hello sweetie\:wub\: How nice to read a message from you! Oh, I am sooo tired with Uni, it's eating most of my time\:wacko\: But I won't complaining, you aren't my psychotherapist lol\:D Your set is really amazing, I haven't seen anything like that since... huh, forever:P? Yes! Just take a look at all those comments about your newest livingroom\;\) Don't feel sorry, I am worse - I didn't comment anything from you for so long time. And about comments - I have some from the beggining of September\:puke\: But I've almost end replying and now I have clear conscience \;\) I couldn't be angry with you, no way! Thank you for your greetings, wish you a nicest day ever too\:wub\: And don't worry about school - I am sure that you are doing perfect and the most important is that we are closer and closer to the next vacations\:D! Hugs\:\)! Ola

pretty_babyOct 15, 2008

Marina I just wanted to say that I played the Delease set in game and it actually blew me away. It looks SOOO GOOD IN GAME!!! soo Good that I noticed some recolours are upcoming and you made my day with those!! cannot wait\:\) The couch is just gorgeous!! x Sarah

VeronnOct 12, 2008

Hi Marina. \:\) Thank you so much for your very lovely comment on my lot V-88. \;\) You comment very precious for me. \:\) Thanks again, my successful friend. \;\) Have a great day. \:\) anIL

skyblue7377Oct 12, 2008

you are such a sweety..huge hugs\:wub\:

Thefox18Oct 12, 2008

Thanks Marina for leaving a nice comment on one of my lots ,THANKS\:D

Shann116Oct 11, 2008

Hi Marina \:\) Thanks for leaving a nice comment on my lot Dr27 =XD. I immidietly go's to your minisite to see your wonderfull creations and i was wondering if you mind if i use some of your created objects in some of my futered lots? It would be nice with your lovely modern furnish\:D Only i don't know how it works all about. Last time i used download objects my game crached over and over \:\( Thanks in advance\:\) Greets: Monigue.

IllianaOct 11, 2008

Hi Marina! I sure hope school isn't doing you in too badly. \:\) I just know you are doing a fabulous always! By the way, I want to thank you for the absolutely amazing compliment you left on the Aesir lot. \:wub\: \:o That just blew me away! I am so very happy that you like it...that means a lot to me! (((Hugs!))) Thanks for being such a wonderful person, and a great friend! - Illiana

HarmoniaOct 10, 2008

hi marina thanks for lovely comment on my Special Denim Set, so glad you like them \:wub\: have a great weekend \:\) Harmonia

VictoriaGraceOct 9, 2008

Sweet, sweet, sweet Marina!! You made my day with that lovely compliment you left me on my Sonoma Unfurnished!!! \:wub\: I always love hearing from such a talented artist as yourself!!! Can't wait for your new Delease set, it looks awesome!!!! \:wub\: Victoria

VeronnOct 8, 2008

Hi Marina.\:D Thank you very much for your lovely comment on my brick set.So happy for I saw your message.\:\)Your beautifull houses wait for my bricks. \:P \:D Really, thanks again, have a great day. \;\) Anil

NewtlcoOct 8, 2008

Oooops \:o Flooding \:D Thanks for your wonderful commenta.They are appreciated everytime \:wub\:

NewtlcoOct 8, 2008

Hey hey hey!! I am sure you will read this when you arrive but I hope you can see this earlier \:D I really really really fell down with your new set! I think it took a lot of time for you to make it.It is awesome.It is realistic.I want to make a recolor for that set.It is awesome.I can't describe how much I loved it but I hope you can understand me \:D Thanks for this set. And I hope you can find time to relax.Because schools make us tired.Seating a whole day makes me fool everyday \:D Now, I am going to sleep after writing this message I think \:D Today I had an exam.And it was perfect.I think I will get 95/100 \:D We do not have marks as A++ , B etc. We have marks like 100, 80 15 etc. \:D Whatever I talked so much and I want to sleep \:P Have a nice day and take care hon \:wub\: Newtlco \:\)

simal10Oct 8, 2008

My answer to your poll question: Yes hell yes!! I definetly need apartment lots (but only from you \:\)) And your upcoming set looks uber-awesome! It looks like it's taken from a RL pic! Can't wait to get it\:D Hugs&Kisses \:wub\:

NewtlcoOct 6, 2008

Hi darling! I understand how you feel now.And I know I can't help you so much.Only thing I can do is writing entries to make you smile \:\) I can't sleep to much too.That's is the worst part of school I think \:D and I can't wait to see your preview.But I am sure it is perfect as usual. And I am fine for now.I am going to have some exams this week.Just working these days \:D Glad to see you around.Have a nice day and take care \:\)

olcia_olivineaOct 6, 2008

Hello sunshine\:wub\: You're welcome! And thank you for the compliment about my model - I was trying to make her looks similar to me, but well... she turns out prettier\:D Hope that school isn't too hard for you! Hugs, Ola\:\)

NewtlcoOct 5, 2008

Hi Marina! Where have you been? We missed you so much.Hope to see you soon \:\( New \:wub\:

Thefox18Oct 5, 2008

Thanks and will give you cred \;\)

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