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lirunchik's Guestbook

NewtlcoSep 7, 2008

It seems to me that im flooding your guestbook too \:D Unfortunately, tomorrow my school starts.I think, I won't be able to visit here everday.But I will try.I am waiting for summer \:D I think I will wait so much \:D I am afraid of lessons indeed. I am wondering if they are hard.I hope they are not.Now, I have to prepare my school bag books and other stuff about school.See you later !! have a nice school year - New \:\)

*n-a-n-u*Sep 6, 2008

Thank you very much for your entry in m guestbook because of my promotion!... it is so great to be a part of TSR and a member of so talented and wonderful creators now! Thank you for your compliment it means a lot to me! David

NewtlcoSep 6, 2008

Marina, I am so happy to have a friend like you who does like to speak \:D Indeed, I can understand what you want to mean, but I can not explain what I want to mean \:o This is my second year high school, and there is 2 years more to complete it.I think this is your last year, isn't it? Have a nice weekend , it is nice to know that there is not so much time difference between Russia and Turkey \:D ünew \:\)

NewtlcoSep 5, 2008

I said that my English is so poor so I hope you have mercy \:D Because understanding my words are really hard \:D Yip, I meant the rooms where the lessons are hold.The things you said about Mondays are so right Marina.It is the hardest day in the week.But I do not think that the last day of the school is hard.I guess you can not see your friends in holiday.But I can see my friends and we meet in holidays too! I think I am so lucky.Because my friends are awesome.I really love all of 'em \:wub\: Whatever, I think I talked too much and I do not want to disturb you \:\) Have a nice schoolyearrrr \:\) \:\) -New

NewtlcoSep 5, 2008

OooOoops \:D I got happy when I saw your name \:wub\: And I am sad for you but I should be sad for me because Monday... is the start day of my school.Thanks to my good marks (:P) they have changed my class.Now I am in the best classroom in the school.But I m gonna miss my friends.I think my situation is so so bad.Whatever, life is going on, earth is rounding so what can we do except smiling? Wish you best in your school in your life! Keep creating.Have a nice day, take care-New\;\)

francienSep 5, 2008

\:eek\: O Marina it is not the meaning you get upset!! yes I have all the expansionpacks but I gone try it again..all your other lots are workig fine so I was a little suprised this one didn't work for me but no worries please!!!! Its very kind of you to help me out with it.\:wub\:

HalfcreekSep 4, 2008

Hi Marina, Thank you for your comment on my "Cedar Siding Set" wall creation. I appreciate your feedback. Enjoy! \:\) Tammy

NewtlcoSep 4, 2008

Hi Marina!!! \;\) I am so glad you liked my recolor.But I should say that they can't be better than your meshes \:wub\: Making lots and making meshes are difficult things.But you can do them brilliantly \:wub\: Have a nice day - New \;\)

VeronnSep 4, 2008

Hi Marina. \:\) Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my creation ''Veronn Wallpaper Set.''Your upcoming lots so wonderful. \;\) Have a great day...Veronn \:\) \:\)

ZutafenSep 2, 2008

Hello Marina! Thanks for the message of congratulations! \:D - Mark

Elena.Sep 2, 2008

Hello Marina! \:D Thank you very much for your congrats! \:wub\: It trully is a great honor and I am flattered, happy and excited to be a FA. Who knows, maybe you're next \;\) When I received the invitation my reaction was: *excuse me while I scream* \:D\:D\:D About my work, thank you! I do hope I won't let anyone down. I am looking in improving all the time. Even today I discovered something new \:ph34r\: about meshing. It's just a wonderful world. Hugs!!! \:wub\: \:wub\:

olcia_olivineaSep 2, 2008

Hello\:D Sometimes I think that my name is old-fashioned, but I know that it's stupid\:P Of course that the gold badge is really great and I won't complain about that \;\) Don't worry about how do you sing, you should take a look at me when I am dancing - you will get a laught-attack, because it's something between jumping and shaking\:D Of course I am joking! School is back again (boohoo!) but we have our Sims... \;\). And I thought about your screenshot 'Last Summer Farewell'... it's so sad that 'TS2 time' is ending. But nothing can last forever, right? Gosh, what a pessimist\:D Hope that you are having a wonderful day\:\) Hugs, Olga

VictoriaGraceSep 2, 2008

Hey Sweet Marina! Thanks for the lovely little compliment you left me on my 'Creekside Modern Cottage,' you're so sweet! You've got such a gift for building lots with the limited EPs you have too and do such a magnificent job! I have to tell you I just love that screenshot of Last Summer Farewell! Looks so peaceful and pleasant!\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: I will talk with you soon, Victoria

~Monica~Sep 2, 2008

Hi hon, thank you for your sweet comment on my Breakfast Nook set \:wub\: - it is appreciated. I'm glad you like it. Have a great day! \:\)

BBKZSep 2, 2008

Good morning \:\) I did the same after first loading the game: I checked all new fashion, haircuts, (I have to check build items and furnitures). I spent few hours on doing that!\:eek\: Anyway... I agree with you: this is gorgeous EP... And just like you: I also don't like faces in the Sims 3. They are... weird. They're nice but... weird. I love faces in the Sims 2. If I bought The Sims 3 I should upgrade my computer. I told you about too low processor. I have laptop too (with Vista), but it's only for work and I don't want to load any games there... Anyway - now we have AL EP, so let's have fun \:\) Hugs, Barbara

SIMcredible!Sep 2, 2008

Hello, Marina! \:\) Thank you so much for your nice comment on my GB! Yes, I am really the SIMcredible owner (Andres aka WhiteShark80) and the Last Summer Farewell house shot is really great! \;\) You made me smile when said *jumping all around and smiling like a silly* and also with the kind words regarding my work and my site. \:wub\: Thank you and have a great week, Andres

olcia_olivineaSep 1, 2008

Hello my drear Marina\:wub\: thank you for your sweet comment about 'Teen Fashion Collection #3', it's great to know that you liked this set\:\) And yes, this icon is great, I like silver colour so much\:D Hope that you are doing well! Hugs, Ola (or Olga if you like it better\:D)

BBKZSep 1, 2008

Hey Marina \:\) Thanks for your visit. I've just finished playing Apartment Life. I met a witch! \:\) Well... I met both witches: good and bad \:\) My sim was playing bowling at community lot and I noticed strange light. OMG\:eek\: it was bad witch. My sim became friend with her and ask her to teach him about magic. So he became bad wizard. Then good witch came at this lot! Wow! Some witch party here? \;\) hahaha... I still haven't seen build items from this EP. I only played the game twice, because of less free time. But I really like AL! I have all EPs and SPs. I think I have to buy new processor. Mine is only 1GHz \:\( After two hours playing my computer is slowing down \:\( Graphic card and RAM are perfect, but that processor \:\( Anyway - When I'm at work I'm dreaming about playing Sims 2, haha. I'm real maniac \;\) In the Sims 3 I like those new body weights - we could create very thin sim or very fat (or 'normal' too) - just like in real life. Finally! But it's still not enough for me... Have a wonderful day! Barbara

ekinegeSep 1, 2008

Hi Marina! Thank you so much for your sweet comment on the EKNSet-11.\:wub\: I am very glad you enjoy them. Thanks for your kind words. You are very kind.\:wub\: Ekin

NewtlcoSep 1, 2008

Your upcoming lots are really good \:wub\: You are developing day by day \:rah\: Have a nice day \;\)

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