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lirunchik's Guestbook

BillariFeb 27, 2009

I Love All You creations

*n-a-n-u*Feb 27, 2009

Hi Marina,you are right i really have much to do right now...but this weekend it would be you have msn? if you can add me:[email][/email]this is a faster way of explaining...well what could i say now see you at msn???

wideopeneyesFeb 27, 2009

Thank you for the congratulations Marina, I am very happy to be an FA! \:\)

NewtlcoFeb 23, 2009

Hi sweetie \:wub\: I am sorry that I can't stay so much cuz I have a Math exam tomorrow and I am studyin . Just stopped by to say thanks for your awesome comment on my screenie.I am so glad you liked it.Hugs and kisses \:wub\:

ayyuffFeb 23, 2009

Hi Marina,thank you so much for congrats \:\) Wishing you wonderful day too... GRAND HUGS... \:\)

AngelaFeb 17, 2009

Hi Marina, Thank you for the congrats and i am truelly happy to have become one off the FA's, btw i must say your meshes are awesome!

IllianaFeb 16, 2009

Hello love! You poor busy little bee! (((Hugs!))) First, please let me thank you for the sweet comment you left on the Syracruse Split Level. \:wub\: I always know I did something right when you comment on something. LOL! Second, I must say that your new fences are gorgeous! I love how they cap off the annoying floor tiles that show as well. Very nice touch! You are just one amazement after another, aren't you? \:D I hope you are able to find time for yourself, and that you have a chance to have some fun. (Not necessarily with the Sims game, but also just spending time with those you care about!) I miss you awfully, and can't wait until you get a little more time for visiting. Love you much! - Tammy

NewtlcoFeb 13, 2009

Hello sweetie! How are you? I hope everything is alright \:\) How is your school going these days?  I am curious about you, can you find time to relax? \:\( I know how it feels when you are soo busy with school \:\( It feels too bad.Everytime I have an exam, that week, I can't create anything \:\( And that makes me worse.Whatever I have used a lot of " \:\( " smiley \:D Let's smile a little huh \:\) Your new fence set is rocking! I can't stop looking at the preview.Especially, the lot you have used in your lot!Your new houses are gorgeus! Uhh, whatever.. What are you doing? What are you doing to have fun? I hope you can find to have fun. Now, its my time to leave as always \:\( I will try to write here properly \:\) Hugs and kisses \:wub\: Have a nice day and take care of yourself! btw. i forgot why i came here \:D i just wanted to thank you for your comments \:D look where i am (:

muggelx1Feb 12, 2009

i like your Modern Fences Set  ,very good work\:rah\:

*n-a-n-u*Feb 9, 2009

HI poor thing...but i know you will survive the exams...yust saw your build set and I am really amazed especially like the glass fence...with that skills and you inspiration your next set must be awesome I am really looking forward to it and also to your plant sure it will be awesome aswell but take your time that it become another masterpeice of you.... Have also a great Day...Hugs, David

*n-a-n-u*Feb 7, 2009

Hi Marina... I feel so guilty repliying so late but I had a lot to do this week ...I am sure you too...I am so happy all Exams are over now and i have a bit of free-time again...I hope with you it is the same^^...Thank you for your lovely comment on my bedroom...and you are right it too a lot of time i was so happy when I had uploaded it...^^...what's up with your bedroom had you time to begin with it or are you still in stress...hope to hear from you sooner than from me...   Hugs, David

tdyanndFeb 6, 2009

Hi, Marina. Thanks for your comment on my recolor of your set. I do love to recolor that set. Keep it up!

NataliSFeb 5, 2009

\:\)Hi,Marina! Thanks for the fine comment to my NS clutch bag set.It is very pleasant for me!!!

clmiller22Feb 2, 2009

great work

ayyuffFeb 2, 2009

Thank you Marina for wonderful compliments again \:\) I'm really glad you like my 'Ultra Modern Luxury' --Grand Hugs--

ayyuffJan 31, 2009

Hi Marina ,thank you so much for the great comment on my lot \:\) and I liked your lot ''Gardio'' It is looking wonderful \:\) Have an amazing weekend \;\)

NewtlcoJan 29, 2009

Btw, thanks for your comment on my lot.See you soon (:

NewtlcoJan 28, 2009

Hi! I was just thinking to write to you but you acted earlier (: Thanks for your comment on my lot Albana.I really had fun doing it.Because it is so close to my dream house.And the color choice is my favourite that's why Albana is my favourite.And what about your new house Plano! OMG I really can't find any single word to describe it.The garden with that beautiful flowers, the colors, the main building they all look awesome! \:wub\: I really don't like to but I have to wait \:D Whatever it is worth to die \:rah\:These days I am working on wall-floor sets.It is really fun to do! Because using Photoshop is so funny \:D I improve my skills and create stuff for sims at the same time.Now, I can't stop doing walls ! I am making colorful walls, floors.But it is really funny.I am doing with fun.So even it is bad, it is beautiful to me.Because I had a lot of fun making it.Whatever I talked about too much about sims now let's talk about RL! How are you doing with your school? We had a break and there is almost 2 weeks I can rest!Holiday!! I totally love holidays \:wub\: Do you have holidays these times?I hope you do because I know you are really tired \:\( What about your exams? I am curious about your marks \:lol\: I have to go now, my eyz are closin slowly because it has been 1o hours Ive been playing computer \:lol\: Goodbye for now see you soon, take care and have a nice day.Hugs and kisses with beautiful wishes \:wub\: Newtlco (:

*n-a-n-u*Jan 27, 2009

Hi Marina... sorry for replying so late but my life is thepure trouble now...have the whole stress with the examination and a new bedroom with over 20 meshes is my time is very limited^^... how are you? I hope fine too^^... Thank you that you like my minisite what great features that all are...absolutely amazing you can really change everything if you have understand it^^--- well i am sorry if you have a bit problems with new ideas for meshes my advice look through the web trust me you will find something faster than you might have imagined...wish you a nice week!

olcia_olivineaJan 25, 2009

Hello dear Marina\:\) Ohhh, I feel like I haven't been here for ages... or maybe for a century?? Shame on me:P  How are you darling? I've just seen your upcoming homes and I couldn't just pass by without saying a word... I am so happy to see your new creations here\:\) And how's school? I know that you are the best student hehe\:P For me it's like Uni eating my brain... I forget most of the words I usually use, just use "specialist" language. It makes my friends laugh but I can't help it, I have too much things to learn and too little time\:\( I don't have time for sims but I hope that it will soon change - I will have a week or two long break and I am really happy... I will sleep whole days hehe! I don't want to bore you, so I will stop typing now\;\) Wish you a lovely Sunday! Hugs ~ O.

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