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lirunchik's Guestbook

kayla1917Jan 22, 2009

i really like the houses you created \:\) They're beautiful

*n-a-n-u*Jan 21, 2009

Hi Marina! Just wanted to stop by and ask how are you doing... hope you are fine and everything in your life is going well...look forward to your next submissions^^ Hugs, David

NewtlcoJan 16, 2009

Hii!! At last I am here \:DIt was an awful week with 5 exams \:D But it has ended.Now I  only have 1 exam in Monday.Geometry \:D And we are having a holiday when it comes Friday.15 days! OMG, I can't wait to build sth .cuz it has been long that im not building.Now I am studying geometry and its too boring! but I have to study hard.cuz my grade is a little bad \:\(But just ,geometry \:D And now I will just relax and read ts2 camp blog.I really want to go there even I can't \:D Our staff is so lucky ! I don't want to think about it anymore because I am etting worse and worse \:D I want to go there \:D Whatever, I just can watch the videos about it \:D What about you? I hope you are fine.I am so tired now.And I am going for now see you soon\;\) hugs n kisses, have a nice day \:\) \:wub\:

siberiansunsetJan 14, 2009

I really love your stuff!-I cant wait to see your wallpapers ingame\:\) Thanks soo much for sharing!

NewtlcoJan 11, 2009

Hi again! What  a beautiful banner and avatar! \:wub\: They both look awesome.And the layout of your minisite is gorgeus! And I am so sad..I don't know if you noticed, FAs have ministes that is different from ours.They have buttons upside and gorgeus theme.They can even change the background! And we have minisites that is just like a profile page \:\( Whatever.I came to say thank you for your wishes about my exams.And now I really have to leave because there is just hours to my exam \:\( I can't wait to talk to you again.Hugs and kisses with beautiful wishes \:wub\: Have a nice week (: Newt \:\)

NewtlcoJan 11, 2009

Now I am thinking that you are kidding me \:D Because I am also a fan of supernatural! There's a channel in Turkey, that shows both of them.Supernatural and LOST. Supernatural was my first favourite in that channel .After that I discovered LOST. Both of them are brilliant! @ Lastfm: if you make a quick search you may find my name.Just search "newtlco" then you will find it \:\) And, I am sad because smilies have gone away !\:D Now we have to open a "pod" (which means little boxes that Newtlco hates \:D ) to show smiley codes.The design of the new version is gorgeus but the system is bad.Not so bad but the previous one was so much better! But I know that Thomas and the others worked a lot for this.And think about it, you are publishing a lot/set and a user is saying; boring.what an awful creation! . I am sure that you would get sad if anyone said something like that. So I think we should love this version \:D And, banner ? I worked a lot to get it.I  mean it is not so hard to make it, but I can't decide which one to use.I have 2 or 2 banners in my desktop and none of them satisfy me! \:D And, this week I have "5" exams which includes Chemistry. I think I should go or I will get a bad mark \:D I am so so sad to leave now but I gotta go.Hope to see you soon, hugs darling, have an amazing day! \:wub\:

NewtlcoJan 10, 2009

Hi honey! I am sooooo sorry for this late (too late \:\( ) reply.But I can't find so much time.I was reading my GB in the old version (erm, the new version is a little tough to use, I mean its confusing \:D ) and I saw your name there.I got so so sorry because your name reminded me that I haven't replied your sweet entry in my GB \:\( \:\) So let's talk about what you have said over there \:D LOST? I am addicted to LOST.I haven't been watching it for long but I totally adore it.Now, I am watching 3rd session and the 2nd episode.I am wondering what will the other episodes bring? This tv show is so amazing! And... I can't live without my notebook! \:eek\: It is my life \:D I don't know why but I love my computer so much \:D And I am trying to build some houses, but inspiration has gone away \:D I can't dream \:D So, I am searching Google for some nice house pictures.This way, I may dream sth to build! \:lol\: what are you doing? I know you are so busy these days.But I am waiting for a new creation made by you! When I see a creation labeled "lirunchik" I get exited because I wonder: What did she do to amaze us now? \:D Your creations are beautiful like you are \:\) I talked to much, someone help me shut my mouth up \:D But it has been long that I haven't written here.And if you noticed I am flooding your GB \:D I have to stop but I remebered sth; last week I was searching web.Then I decided to search your nickname -lirunchik- to see if you have a website \:D Then I realized that you have a lastfm account.I decided to sign up.I LOVED taht site! I can listen to my favourite artist while searching his/her biography.Guess what? It is done, now I am leaving.And my talk is over \:D See you soon with your beautiful creations and with a beautiful smile in your face (: Have an amazing day hon, \:wub\: Newtlco \:\)

NewtlcoJan 4, 2009

Hi Marina! I am glad you are still here \:D 01.01 is my birthday so I celebrated it with my family.Indeed, it was a little boring.Because I am having the same celebration every year, and I am sad because I can't celebrate it with my friends.They are going somewhere else.Whatever, I am happy because my big brother bought a stuff pack.IKEA Home Stuff \:D So, tell me what have you done? I am sure you enjoyed so much (: See you later \:\)

NewtlcoJan 2, 2009

Hi Marina! Congratulations, you have reached 1 million downloads mark.Amazing \:rah\: Have a nice day (:

srgmls23Dec 31, 2008

Olá\:D Happy New Year to you.. wish your dreams com true!!\:P Sergio

kibanahnahDec 27, 2008

I wish you a happy New Year; with lot of love,joy and happiness.May all your wishes come true! *Cassandre*

huabanzhuDec 27, 2008

Hi!Thanks for the season greeting, and happy holiday season and bountiful New Year,too!\:D

b-bettinaDec 25, 2008

May joy and happiness snow on you, may the bells jingle for you and may Santa be extra good to you! Merry Christmas! \:D And thank you for your nice comments & wishes \:wub\:

Elena.Dec 24, 2008

May this Christmas be bright and cheerful and may the New Year begin on a prosperous note! Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom! \:wub\:

AnoeskaBDec 24, 2008

*Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year full of joy, happyness and love.* \:wub\:

AlyoshaDec 24, 2008

Hey There! \:D Merry Christmas!\:rah\: I pray that you will have a very splendid and meaningful Christmas! And also, Happy New Year! May this year bring more joy, blessings, and more love! \:rah\: God Bless ya! \:D

ulkerDec 24, 2008

Hi Marina, thank you for your sweet message. I wish you a merry Christmas and happy new years\:wub\: Hugs\:wub\:

Shann116Dec 24, 2008

\:\)I wish you the most beautiful Christmas time Santa ever brought\:\) And an inspiring 2009!!\:D ~~Love~and~hugs~~\:wub\: :Monique

SIMcredible!Dec 24, 2008

Hello, Marina! \:\) Wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!! \:D

SpaikDec 24, 2008

"At Christmas, all roads lead home." So run home and have a wonderful Christmas with your beloved ones. \:\) Silvia

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