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lisa9999's Guestbook

hiedibear75May 1, 2010

Hiya. \:\)  Glad you like the retro hearts papers......they shoudl be a "blast from the past" for anyone OVER the age of about 30 or so. \;\)   How did we survive that era anyway? \:confused\:  I remember my "see & say" had a STRING not a lever like the new "SAFE see & says" are. \:P LOL  And not only did I NOT ride in a carseat/boosterseat to & from Kindergarden I rode up in the back window where modern cars have those extra brake lights at now-a-days. \;\)  And I lived?!?!?!? \:D  Miracles I tell ya MIRACLES! :P  Well TTFN. \:cool\:

runesong54Apr 30, 2010

Hey Lisa...thank you for all the great creations that you do.  I've been doing a lot of lot uploads lately and noticing how many of your things I use.  I think there must be at least one thing on every lot that was created by you!  \:rah\:

DOTApr 30, 2010

Hi hi \:\)  Thanks for lovely and kind comment on the SeaSide SunRoom Set.  It really needs to be summer here \:D

hiedibear75Apr 30, 2010

It's almost done.......I might even be done with it sometime tonight. \:D  Thanks for the cute little was sprinkeling when I went to bed & since then it stopped sprinkeling & has just been stuck on dark & icky lookin. :P  If I get the lot finished tonight I make sure & post the pics on FB & if I don't get it finished then I'll at least put in a few pics of the parts that are more done than not. \;\)   For this lot the front of it isn't really much.......the focus was on the back & the tropical landscaping & the nice view of the swimming pool......oh yes & there is a nice balcony for Mom & Dad. \;\)  It's a 3bed 3bath with each of the bathrooms have been partitioned so that the toilet is technically in a different room than the shower & tub, which is also set apart from the sink can send 3 Sims into 1 bathroom; 1 to brush their teeth, 1 to use the restroom, & 1 to bathe & they'll all happily go take care of "business" even if they don't know eachother well.  The bottom has a nice open type of floor plan with the exception of the bathroom & that "California room", upstairs has 2 large bedrooms that could still comfortably fit 2 kids in each bedroom if needed, each bedroom has a built-in closet excpet master bedroom which has 2. \;\)  So far it's like just bit under $200,000.....we'll see if it goes over that amount by the time I'm DONE. \:ph34r\:  I gave the parents the GL bed, mirror, & nightstands (not the dressers they've got closets), & it's also got a make-up vanity & the sewing machine.  Garage has stuff for tinkering Sims & for Sims who like making bouquets at the flower bench. \:\)  Well chat with ya later. \:wub\:  HUGS! \:wub\:

hiedibear75Apr 29, 2010

Glad ya like the "Dolphin Island" wallpapers.......I've got more colors of it in store. \;\)  I am sooooo glad you showed me how to make walls. \:wub\:  It helps me keep my sanity.......what little there is left. \:P LOL  But in all seriousness I've been having a ball with it & it's kept me pleasantly busy. \:rah\:    I've been working on another lot; this one is a single home with an "inclosed porch" a room where the back porch would be but I used the floor length windows from OFB to make it look like a "California room" or screened in porch only not needing any CC. \;\)  I know that I could make it look more "real" with CC screens & all......but I'm sure there are a few out there who's PC's don't always like CC + it's soooo much easier when I'm a bit to MAXIS (+ Cerulean Talon for her tutorial if I use ther attached garage technique). \:D  We've got some weather.....started raining Tuesday evening & it is supposed to go on til Friday some time. \:rolleyes:  But although I've been a bit looopy from the meds, & find it hard to sleep (yes I know odd considering I'm taking not 1 but 3 Rx that all have drowsy as a common side-effect), I (knocks REALLY hard on wood) haven't gotten sick \:puke\: yet. \:cool\:  Well TTFN. \:wub\:

mutskeApr 28, 2010

Hi Lisa! Thank you for your nice comment on my latest plant set. I hope your sims are enjoying them too \:wub\:

jsfApr 25, 2010

Hi lisa, I hope you're having a nice weekend. Sun or rain, it can't seem to make up its mind out there, at least its not snow \:D . Thank you for leaving your nice commment on the Mahogany greens! I saw somewhere that someone at MTS has made Sims2 type wallpaper for Sims3, but when I did a search there, I found nothing. But , then again,I may have been looking in the wrong places. I guess I'll wait and see what happens with that. Have a great week ahead, my friend, and I'm glad you got a laugh out of my last post \:D   judi

katalinaApr 25, 2010

Hiya Lisa\:wub\: How have you been these days? I want to thank you for the lovely comment on the 7 dwarf cottage. How is the meshing coming along? I told Judy I wanted to learn, well one of these days LOL!  I can't wait to see what you make next, it is like Christmas everytime you make a wonderful object. Have a good one\:wub\:

topaz27Apr 25, 2010

Hi Lisa, I agree, I do hope Irmtraut gets back on line really soon, it's not the same here without her \:\( hope your having a beautiful day there, it's so lovely to have warm sunny days again \:\) I won't be simming too much today as I want to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather, I can hear all the birds singing outside my window and they sound so sweet, chat again soon friend \:\) hugs Topaz \:wub\:  

PenelopeTApr 24, 2010

Have a wonderful weekend, Lisa! \:wub\:

JCIssetteApr 24, 2010

Good morning, Lisa, your support on my lots is so appreciated. Thanks for being my bestest fan and friend. Big hug for that sweet comment on Berry Street. Chat with you later.

topaz27Apr 24, 2010

Hi Lisa, Hope you have a wonderful weekend with lots of beautiful sunshine and many hours of simming \:\) hugs Topaz \:wub\:

QuengelApr 18, 2010

She is fine... just not her pc LOL \;\)

QuengelApr 18, 2010

Hello there \:\) Irmtraut told me to tell ya that she is doing great, but she has with her pc internet problems, so you don't have to make any sorrows \;\) \:\) I wish you a sunny sunday \;\)\:\)

topaz27Apr 18, 2010

Hi Lisa, Lovely to hear you \:\) our weather here is good, we are now having beautiful sunny days at last, after such a horrible winter, I still wish I had a little more simming time though, but there is always something needs doing \:rolleyes: but hopefully next weekend I'll have abit more free time \;\) I do hope you and your family are keeping well, and I wish you a lovely sunday and a great week ahead too \:\) hugs Topaz \:wub\:

hiedibear75Apr 18, 2010

Thank you for the standing ovation! \:o \:wub\:  I'm floating on cloud9! \:cool\:

JCIssetteApr 17, 2010

Good morning, Ms. Lisa! Your support and comments are always so treasured, my friend. \:D Thanks for the comment on Bluefield Street. I had no idea people would like it so much, but I am glad they do. Well, chat with you later after the yardword. Yuck! Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

squeakersApr 17, 2010

\:wub\: Hi Lisa! I just wanted to wish you a happy belated anniversary!!!! I hope you have many, many more years of happiness, health, and love with your husband. I wish you all the hapiness in the world!!!! TC, and I hope you have an awesome weekend!!!!!\:wub\:

PenelopeTApr 14, 2010

Morning, Lisa! Hope you have a great day! \:\)

maxi kingApr 14, 2010

\:wub\:Morning Lisa!We are lucky,another nice day ahead!Only that I got a headache!So how are you?I hope you having a wonderful day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

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