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lisa9999's Guestbook

PenelopeTApr 1, 2010

Hi there, Lisa! Hope you are having a nice week. The weather here has finally come around and it's been so nice being out in the Sun. How are you doing? I see that you've been busy creating. Your upcoming bedroom set looks so it. \:\) Just wanted to pop in and say hello and thanks for the lovely comments you've left on my lots too. Have a wonderful Easter! Hugs. \:wub\: ~ Pene

maxi kingMar 31, 2010

\:wub\:morning Lisa!We had some more sun yesterday but then we had a bad thunder storm!Now the sun is out again and it looked like nothing happend last night!\;\)I had a bit time for my story but I'm still not finished!But I got some pic to upload!Anyway I hope you get some sun today,have a wonderful day my friend!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingMar 30, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Lisa!We having a bit of rain and a bit sun!What about you?I was busy this morning but hopfully I get later some time for my story!Anyway have a wonderful day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingMar 29, 2010

\:wub\:Morning Lisa!We had rain and a bit of sun yesterday,April whether really!But at least the trees start to get green now,I love the first green,it's looking so fresh!I'm a bit busy today but not too much and I hope it will stay like it as well!Have a wonderful day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingMar 28, 2010

\:wub\:Morning Lisa!Have a wonderful day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

katalinaMar 28, 2010

Hiya Lisa\:\) Thanks for taking the time to stop in and leave me that wonderful comment on Rose cottage. I know how busy you must be with meshing and all and I just love what you have been creating. I love that you are doing some country items, they will look great in my cottages (hint, hint) lol. Have a great weekend \:wub\:

maxi kingMar 27, 2010

\:wub\:Morning Lisa!We had a thunder storm yesterday evening!It was so warm(21derees celsius),now it's clowdy and the temperature dropped alot!Well at least it's not raining!And I got some pic's done for my story!\:DAnyway have a wonderful and sunny day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

hiedibear75Mar 27, 2010

Take care & BIG HUGE HUGS!!! \:wub\:

hiedibear75Mar 27, 2010

Hey Lisa! \:cool\:  Thanks for your comments. \:rah\: I'm glad you like them so well. \:wub\:  The TS2 community can ALWAYS use more of your wonderful recoloring. \:rah\:  Boy you should see my's FULL of various projects all in different stages of completion. :P  Images to put together for walls, some that are an image but not yet through HomeCrafter, & others that are just needing a collage made for them.  And there are a few that I'd just like to make look BETTER before I commit to putting it through HomeCrafter. \;\)  I think I've decided that my 200th lot needs to be a spectacular mansion or mannor! \:D  I had thought about doing it with CC......but then again I think MAXIS has sort of become my "thing" as far as building goes.  I think it's a talent that not many do (100% MAXIS) it's a nitche so to speak. \;\)  The master bath is going to have a hot tub on a inside platform/foundation & just use doors & arches in the bathroom to seperate everything but yet make things luxurious. \:D  I hope I'll have it done over the weekend. \;\)  Oh yeah & I need to get my Easter walls (7 sets of 3walls) finished before Easter so I'm shooting to have it ready for uploading to TSR by Monday or Tuesday if I can. \;\)  Well C ya around. \:D

mutskeMar 26, 2010

Hi Lisa, Thanks for your nice comment on my Plants, I really appreciate it \:wub\:

djehmliMar 26, 2010

Lisa, that is a gorgeous banner there!  Thank you taking the time to comment on the patterns this week.  So busy here at  home right now, have a vegetable garden to start prepping, flower beds to get cleaned out and blown trash to pick up out of the pine trees that appeared after the last snow melt.  Hope all is well with you! <hugs>

topaz27Mar 26, 2010

Hi Lisa, How are you today, I do hope you have had a good week \:\) how are things going with your game, will you be getting the new epansion for the sims 3, I was reading about it, sounds interesting, I do wish they would still make the odd thing for sims 2, like adding the recolouring tool to it \;\) yeah that would be wonderful, but I know once they move on, that's it \:\(  I wonder if they will do a sims 4 \:confused\: now that would be very interesting, well wishing you a lovely weekend, hope you get the chance to relax and enjoy some sim play time \;\) take good care friend, hugs Topaz \:wub\:  

JCIssetteMar 26, 2010

Good morning, Ms. Lisa! Thanks for that sweet comment on Brinkley Road. I am really rushed this morning since I have to have Toby at the groomers early. I guess I will go shopping while I am out and pick up a few things. It is raining here. Chat with your later. Hugs, Judy

maxi kingMar 26, 2010

\:wub\:Morning Lisa!Did you get all your easter decoration done?I had mine done just after the snow was gone!Was the first one here!\;\)Have a wonderful day!Oh and keep the fingers kross that I'm not as busy as yesterday!It was too much really and I was happy to have a long hot bath at the end of it!\;\)I didn't even managed to go for a walk with the dogs,luckely one of my daughters did it!\;\)TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

xtinabobinaMar 25, 2010

hey there lisa<3 how are you doing?

maxi kingMar 25, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Lisa!I got a wonderful but busy day!I wish you a wonderful day too!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingMar 24, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Lisa!Love your new set!\:rah\:It's another nice day here,hope you having one as well!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

JCIssetteMar 24, 2010

It had better not been "modern" or I am going to kick your :P

shakeshaftMar 23, 2010

Hi Lisa, thank you for taking the time to comment on my creations it is truly appreciated. Happy Simming!! Andrea \:\)

maxi kingMar 23, 2010

\:wub\:Morning Lisa!Oh,we had such a wonderful day yesterday!Warm and sunny,now it's clowdy,it seems we have your whether just a day after!LOL\:DI was busy driving around yesterday and hope today isn't to get that busy!Have a wonderful day!TC my friend!Irmtraut\:wub\:

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