luckylibran24 (5184132)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (11 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (97 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Snowdrop Lodge
Published Dec 24, 2013
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Hello Simmers!
Thanks for checking out my page Here's everything you need to know about my stuff:
*No new meshes are required - everything I make is done using something in the existing maxis game (do check which expansion packs I have used though).
*"What's a mesh?" I hear you ask...don't worry about it! You don't need to with my downloads!
*The only custom content in my houses/lots are ones I have designed myself and will come with the download.
*most of my houses don't have custom content (I usually say in the description if it does).
*I am happy for my clothes etc to be used for your stories, but would appreciate a link to my page or my name mentioned in the credits so people can find my work
*please do not re-upload my designs or modify them for distribution (no one would be happy with that now would they!)
*I love comments and am happy to discuss sims2 in any way! Send me a message on the forum page or say hi in my guestbook.
Thanks for stopping by!
My new twitter feed is @eluvianexplorer and that's also my origin ID for Sims 4 gallery
My Latest Updates Show All
Sims Ultimate Collection!!Written Jul 16, 2014
Wooop! Great news simmers! Apparently anyone who has the sims2 digital version in their origin account will be getting the sims 2 ultimate collection any day now for freeeeee!! This means you get the entire series :) Hopefully this will inspire some of you sims3-ers to get back to another brilliant game :D I might even have time to create some more custom content if... ...More
Ready for SpringWritten Mar 29, 2014
Hello friends, It's been a busy month and I have been neglecting my sims but I'm working on some new outfits for the sunny weather this weekend. I'm also feeling rather excited by the return of Game of Thrones so I might make something GoT related if it works out well! Don't know how interested people might be in that, if you are please comment! :) Hopefully will have something uploaded this... ...More
February updateWritten Feb 07, 2014
Happy February! With rainy Janruary gone I'm feeling a bit more creative again so will be working on some new projects this weekend. Not sure where to go with this yet but current ideas are apartments, or clothes (one item I have ready but will probably make a set for Feb) or possibly swimwear. Any preferences or things you'd like to see please leave me a comment and I may change my... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Songbird7420Mar 18, 2021
Hi, I am so trying to download your lot, Snowdrop Lodge and can't get it to download. Please PLEASE help me by sending me the file so I can put it in my game, I have tried everything I can think of and can't get it to DL. Please can I use your house on another websight, it is called "" Lady Angel is the owner of web sight. You will get reconciliation from me for sure. Thanks you can reach me at , by the way if not a member of SKU, then come see the sight and hopefully will join. Thanks Chilili
grecadeaNov 27, 2016
Hi! Thanx for the comment on Danny's dress
millyanaJul 17, 2014
Hi luckylibran, I was thrilled to get your comment about my Desert Dream lot. It's kind of sad that there isn't much Sims2 activity here anymore. Are you going to try Sims4? All the best dear friend!