manuela55 (1329759)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (530 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

city 2
Published Apr 27, 2007
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About Me
i'm hapy ,i love life and people my children, my pets ,my family ,i love all nice people.My english is weary bad so i houpe that you understand me.
My Guestbook Show All
charrayJan 05, 2009
You are a talented artist Great job on your creations and thanks for sharing them
Sara1993Apr 11, 2008
Manuela55 was my aunt, but she died... I loved her very much and I believe every one of you did, too. I just thought it would be right that you know that she passed away... Sara
Sara1993Feb 19, 2008
Hei! I just saw your comment on my screenshot Glad you thought it's funny Love, Zala