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marcorse's Guestbook

Sims HouseFeb 24, 2021

Hello Marg! Today I read your blog . I know what chemotherapy is from my own sad experience in 2019. This is a serious shock to the body. I wish you fortitude, try not to lose heart, it’s hard, but it’s possible if you try to surround yourself with positive emotions and good people . Unfortunately, we cannot influence some events in our life, but we can choose how to survive them. I send you my support and hugs, do not give up. Lena.

RirannFeb 24, 2021

Dear Marg! I'm so sorry to hear you're ill... I hope and pray you will get better soon!! Sending you love and warmest hugs! \:wub\:

jomsimsFeb 24, 2021

hello dear marg.\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\: I read your post. I just wanted you to know not to lose hope, our prayers are with you. A tender thought for you dear friend. take good care of yourself above all, I send you ten million hugs. Jo\:wub\:

Mystic StudiosFeb 24, 2021

Hey Marg.. I read your blog post, please keep faith. We all wish you the absolute best, and know that every single one of us is here for you. my prayers are with you.

ekinegeFeb 23, 2021

Hi Marg! I just read the blog post. Never lose hope. Maybe I can magnify his hope a little. I met cancer a few years ago and went through the process you went through. I believe the treatment will work. Your smile is your biggest weapon against cancer. Always get a big smile on your face.\:\) My heart and my prayers are with you! Big hugs!\:wub\:

mutskeFeb 23, 2021

Dear Marg, I just read your story and I hope the doctors can do something for you. Don't give up hope! Lots of strength in the coming period! \:wub\:

eviFeb 23, 2021

My dear brave friend your blog post touched me deeply. I know how hard pancreatitis is. I open my arms and hug you. You can stay there as long as you wish. I love you girl. 💙🇬🇷

DarkNighTtFeb 23, 2021

Hi Marg! Hope is the best thing in our lifes. You know it so much better than me. Never lose your hope! I hope you will get well soon! My thoughts and prayers are with you! Loves and hugs! \:wub\:

kardofeFeb 23, 2021

Hi Marge, I am so sorry to hear that you are ill, I hope with all my heart that the chemotherapy works and that you can get better. A big hug \:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:

soloriyaFeb 23, 2021

Sending to you the warmest hugs and all my love! You are not alone!

ShakeProductionsFeb 23, 2021

Hi Marg! I'm so sorry to hear the news..My thoughts and prayers are with you! \:wub\:

ArwenKaboomFeb 23, 2021

I wish you best of luck going forward. I hope the treatment will work and you will be healthy again. Big hugs from here!

Sim Creator AnnFeb 19, 2021

Dear Marge, I read the news about your cancer. It is a strong word that you would rather not hear from the doctors. But I hope the chemo works and makes you feel better. I also wish you a lot of support from your family. I send you virtual hugs from here, strength and love. If you want to talk, you can always speak to me. Thick support hug.

Rita003Feb 18, 2021

Oh Marg! You have my deepest empathy & sympathy during this time of struggle. Cancer, the ugly word that no one wants to include in their life story. My hope is that you have a good family support system who can spoil you with love, trips to the doctors and good meals to make life easier. You have a great community of friends & much love on The Sims Resource who are looking forward to better & brighter days to shine upon you. If you need a shoulder to cry on, my arms arms & heart are always open. Warmest wishes and love from one who is a woman of a certain age. Rita\:\)

IzabellJan 30, 2021

Hi Marg! I am a bit shocked to read your announcement of cancer. I sincerely hope you can beat it and cross my fingers that the chemo will make you well again. Love and hugs/Lena

g8merlunaJan 26, 2021

Dearest Marg, I'm so sorry to hear your news of cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I discovered your content over the summer and fell in love with it. I was planning on writing in your guestbook earlier in the year but forgot my account password. I just want to let you know that you are my absolute favorite sims content creator and I wish you well. Sincerely, Lissi

CororonJan 17, 2021

Hello Marg! Thank you so much for all your creations! And boo for cancer! I had it last year and have to go on checkups. I guess cancer is something everyone gets if some other thing doesn't get you first. It's like the diseases are competing with eachother. We can only do our best, go with the flow and stay positive! *hugs* \:\)

periwinklzJan 16, 2021

I am praying for the Lord to heal you. I pray the Lord will reveal Himself to you while there is yet time.\:wub\:

pamberger62Jan 15, 2021

Thoughts and prayers are with my fellow Sim friend.\:rah\:

libjackJan 14, 2021

Thank you for all the wonderful designs you've shared! I am hoping for the best for you, and all love and happiness!\:\)

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