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milanokat's Guestbook

06bekDec 13, 2007

Merry Christmas to you too \:D

hopeful4everDec 12, 2007

Wow! your comment really touched me \:wub\: . No wonder ur a popular person that everyone loves. You truly stand out not just as a talented artist but also as a classy and beautiful person, inside and out. It brings me great happiness knowing that such considerate and friendly people like u still exist. Thanx a lot for everything, it's a pleasure knowing u.I truly wish u the best and happy holidays.\;\)

06bekDec 12, 2007

Hi Milano, Thankyou for you kind comments on my creations \:wub\: I really love hearing feedback and knowing that people enjoy my work! By the way, my sims love the superman pyjamas!!!!! Keep up the fantastic work! \:D

iZazuDec 12, 2007

Tis the Season to be Jolly!! Hope your Holiday Season is Joyful!! Linda\:wub\:

eviDec 11, 2007

I wish you...

hopeful4everDec 6, 2007

Hey Milano, I just wanna say that I am a great admirer of ur personal style and exquist taste in everything u do. U have a lovely touch that makes everything so bright and cheerful. So thanx a lot for ur efforts, I truly appreciste it.\;\)

ramossharpDec 6, 2007

Hi, your creations are so wonderful. I've been using them often, can't seem to find a fave yet. Thanks a million AJS

simal10Dec 4, 2007

Hello Milano! Thank you so so so much for your comments on my Kawaii Undies 2 set \:\) It is always a great pleasure for me to receive such lovely comments from a great designer like you! You made my day \;\) Hugs, Simal \:wub\:

06bekDec 4, 2007

Hi milanokat, Thankyou for the sweet comments on my Envy lipstick set. I really appreciate it. I love your clothes, especially the lingerie, they are gorgeous! Keep up the fantastic work and thanks again for the comments. \:\)

jessicacioclerDec 1, 2007


renegade320Nov 30, 2007

Milanokat, I like your designs, they are beautiful and cute.

hiedibear75Nov 27, 2007

Oh say I just noticed you are from Romania......\:\) \:cool\: I have a couple of TSR friends from Romania already Elena and Intuition are real sweet.\:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Nov 27, 2007

The one where I was dancing with Pluto was in August 05 for my 30th B-day, the one where I'm with Pooh bear was November of the same year and the one standing on the other side of Pooh is one of my best friends TSR Karie IRL of my roomies. We get to go in January again......yipee. It's been too long since last time. Both times I went so did my other best friend Mike........but he was too busy being the camera man;aside from the 9yr old he's the only guy in my pix. I'm totally addicted to sims and downloading. To keep from completely going bonkers I've been designing houses on graphing paper.........the things I'll do to keep what little sanity I have left.LOL All I can say is......thank goodness for warranties.

ulkerNov 27, 2007

Oh that was a big compliment\:wub\: Btw your good luck wishes worked perfectly\:wub\: And about the avi-I suck at making avatars \:D that was made by rythmgtr \:o Kisses\:wub\:

hiedibear75Nov 27, 2007

I love so many of your sets.\:wub\: \:rah\: I had given you your own folder, but for now I don't have my laptop but as soon as I do and I can download again I'll be keeping my eye out for any of your sets.\:cool\: They're very nice items.\:rah\:

myladycravenNov 27, 2007

Hi Milanokat \:\) Thank you for signing my Guestbook! And thank you for the lovely comment on my dresses also, I'm glad that a FA likes them, cause its you guys I look up too \:wub\: Thanks again, take care. Katherine

ulkerNov 26, 2007

Milano it's just great when you comment\:wub\: You surely know how to make someone happy\:o Thank you so much for making my day. Now I have the energy to study a bit for my exam\:P

TantraNov 26, 2007

Hi Milano! I'm so glad you like my AF Casual Set II, thanks a lot for such a beautiful and detailed comment, greatly appreciated\:wub\: Keep up the great work and take care\:rah\:

DevalynNov 25, 2007

You're really nice - I feel honored \:wub\:

jabireNov 24, 2007

You're wellcome Have a nice weekend \:wub\: Maluy

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