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milanokat's Guestbook

Nisse2earsMay 16, 2008

I just want to let you know I downloaded your eyelashes/liners - they are truly looking beautiful!

AshleyBlackMay 4, 2008

Great creations! I love them! Thanks! \:\)

_R_i_C_H_Apr 21, 2008

Thanks \:\) Its so great to hear compliments from somebody so talented... \:\) I have just downloaded some pics of clothes so Im off to creating \:\) \:rah\:

_R_i_C_H_Apr 21, 2008

Wow you have amazing clothes, I always admired you, Lianaa and Ulkrshn \:\) I hope ill make clothes like yours once \:\) But im still practicing \:\) Most of my clothes are based on meshes from \:\) I just love your stuff, keep up the good work \:\)

PinecatApr 17, 2008

Hi Milanokat! Thank you so much for your lovely comment about 364 Park Place! I'm glad you're enjoying it! \:D Jackie

sallyhailsApr 10, 2008

I found some pictures of my house on the laptop so I've posted them in my blog if you want to take a look.\:P

jabireApr 9, 2008

Hello! You're welcome.Thank you for signing my gb! Have a lovely day \:\) Maluy

sallyhailsApr 4, 2008

Today we went to Sam's beach, sat with him for a while and got a bit of sun, then we walked along the beach with our feet in the ocean, it was lovely and quiet, we had the whole beach to ourselves....apart from the wildlife of course. We shared the beach with 3 Camels, a Heron and hundreds of Crabs, it was a good, but also a little sad\;\)

MsBarrowsMar 26, 2008

Hahaha, yup, I got heartily bored of playing with just "my supermodel sim, living a super-rich life" creations in pretty short order, and have happily joined the creators who enjoy coming up with things from the grungier side of the tracks. It ties in with my other big addiction on TSR being storytelling over in the Community challenge forums. The first time you have a character in story who is anything-but-affluent you realize what a dearth of well-made objects and clothing there is out there for our poorer sims.

sallyhailsMar 26, 2008

Thank you my dear friend for your kind words, it means a lot to me, I also think there is a reason for everything and I'm sure it will reveal itself in due course. We're not going to get another dog while we're still in the Oman, they don't like dogs here and we had such terrible trouble getting a vet to come to Sam, the one that did see him only worked with farm animals and didn't have a clue, in the end we had to drive 9 hours to Muscat (1000 kms) away to see a vet that knew about dogs, so getting another dog is out of the question here, there's no support if anything goes wrong. We will get another one when we move back to england! How are you?

sallyhailsMar 25, 2008

Hiya, I'm back, Sam arrived safely but unfortunatly my baby dog fell from the roof of our house on the 21st, we called a vet out here but he was totally useless so we had to load our poor baby into the car and drive 9 hours to Muscat to see a vet there. He broke both his front legs, had a few cuts, but worst of all it was confirmed by x-ray on the 22nd, what we had suspected but didn't want to admit, that he had broken his back, so we had my darling put to sleep. My heart is totally broken and I now feel so empty, the house feels totally empty. We found a lovely quiet beach cove about 55kms away from our house and laid Sam to rest on a hill overlooking the sea. I just don't know what to do with myself, I can't even throw myself into the sims to take my mind off of it\:\(

Elena.Mar 23, 2008

Hi! Thank you for signing my GB!\:D And thank you very much for the kind words \:wub\: I really appreciate them since they are coming from a talented designer as you are. I like to work on my previews and mix and match everything! \:P By the way my comment was honest and i meant every single word I said! \;\) Some people just need to grow up! Warm hugs \:wub\: Have a nice day! \:D

VeronnMar 21, 2008

Hi!Thank you Milanokat.\:\) Your gb entry,made me very much happy.\:\) Again thanks.Good days.\;\)

Fizzle-fluffyMar 18, 2008

Ah yes, I found the earrings. Thank you a lot! \:wub\:

QaenMar 18, 2008

hi\:\) i am so glad you like my design \:wub\: i love your all creations too , they're really successfully \:\) have a great day \:\) ...deniz....

foxysenseiMar 10, 2008

Thanks ! \:wub\:

KrystalLancasterMar 8, 2008

I just had to stop in and say that I love all of your creations (especially these clothes and accessories)! \:rah\: Keep up the amazing work!

BBKZMar 7, 2008

My pleasure \:\) I don't have too much free time now - my grandma is very ill, she's been in hospital for a week now and doctor says that these are her last days... There are no way to focus on any sim work... But I won't forget about my simmies \;\) Hihihi... I hope everything will be fine... Greetings, Barbara

thewelshcubeMar 6, 2008

\:\) Your stuff is really good, amazing work! \:rah\: oh and btw, u r pretty lol Thx.

meygan13Mar 5, 2008

Thanks 4 you creations\:wub\: \:rah\:

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